Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Take The Gratitude Challenge

Earlier this year I put out a Gratitude Challenge to a group I volunteer with. We’re in month 7 and the feedback has been terrific!

 So, how did we do it?
What is the Challenge?

This is a challenge where wellness is improved through the practice of gratitude. Studies have proven that when we are grateful, we are less stressed and more positive because all the happy chemicals in our bodies (dopamine, endorphin, oxytocin and serotonin) really kick in. When these chemicals are activated our immune systems are not suppressed and our bodies are able to fight off germs more easily providing less chance of contracting illness.

When gratitude is used in conjunction with conventional medical treatments, recovery rates increase. Studies have also revealed that people who practice gratitude heal faster and are likely to live longer!

How does the challenge work?

Participants will write thank you notes daily, weekly or monthly throughout the entire year. Revenue will be used to support our Scholarship Fund.

What is required?

All notes must be handwritten, include the words thank you and note why the recipient is being thanked. Note cards with the words thank you printed on them really should not be used as the writer then feels they don’t need to actually write the words thank you themselves. If using note cards be sure they are blank inside. Part of this challenge is to think, feel and take the time to write the note. Hand writing the notes, including handwriting the words thank you, within the body of the note, is an integral part of the process.

Post-it notes count too:

Thank you, Irving. I couldn’t have completed the proposal without your help. – Eugene

A thank you note need not be formal; it need only be sincere. Paper doesn’t matter; writing notes by hand helps to evoke a genuine sense of gratitude.

What is the cost?

Participants pay a one-time fee based upon their chosen challenge:

   Write                                          Total Fee


1 Note / Month (12 annually)           $ 10

2 Notes / Month (24 annually)         $ 20

1 Note / Week (52 annually)            $ 50

1 Note / Day (365 annually)           $100

Added Incentive

At the end of this challenge the name of each participant will be put into a drawing as many times as the notes in the challenge they took on required.

For instance, if someone opts for the one note a month challenge they will have 12 chances to win and if someone chooses the one note a day challenge, they will have 365 chances to win.


We are planning a “Pamper Yourself Basket” where members will donate something that will provide the winner with items of wellness and/or self-care allowing the winner to be pampered.

    Sample Thank You Notes

To a Neighbor:

Dear Cedric,

I heard about the lack of rain while I was out of town. Thank you for taking time to water my plants. It was so nice to see they were still thriving when I arrived home.

Best regards,


Short and sweet:

 Hello Irma,

I always know I can count on you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


In the Workplace:


Kudos to you for a job well done! The team would not have been as successful without your ideas and enthusiasm.


For Services Provided:

Dear Mr. Bailey,

Your customer support team is exceptional.

I was most impressed by how quickly and easily my issue was resolved. The efforts made on my behalf are greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Need ideas along the way? Here you go:


Monthly Themes

January – New Year, New Beginnings

Did someone inspire your career or introduce you to your mate? If in fact that’s a good thing, send them a note of thanks.

February – Love, Care, Appreciation

Love is in the air! Who made you feel really special for no particular reason at all? Let them know how they moved you – it will make them feel special too!

March – Think Spring – Feel Joy!

Remember a time when you weren’t filled with immeasurable joy? Who lifted your spirits? Show them you remember by writing a simple note of thanks.

 April – How Does It Get Any Better?

Life is going along as usual, then, you become the recipient of an unexpected surprise! It’s your turn to make a gesture by thanking the sender for their thoughtfulness.

May - Preparing the Groundwork

 Your new project was a bit more daunting than you anticipated, nothing was going right and you felt to give up. Who cheered you on to keep going? YAY, you did it! Thank them for motivating you to continue to completion.

 June – Lend a Helping Hand

When times were really tough, who bailed you out? There’s a thank you note that’s just waiting to be written.

July – Traveling Made Easy

Did someone come to your aid while you were on a trip? Perhaps it’s time to let them know their good deed did not go unnoticed.

August – A Moment in Time

 We’ve all been there, moving at break neck speed but getting nowhere. Who calmed you down and made things better? Take a moment now to thank them in a note.

 September – Catching Up

 Back in the groove? Not really? Have too much on your plate? Thank the person who helped you with your tasks or errands.

October – Moving Forward

 Movers, Realtors, attorneys, pets, long drive ahead, OMG – did I actually pack the kids? Now might be a good time to thank that former neighbor for keeping your little ones out of the way during such a hectic time.

November – Maintaining the Flow

Happy Holidays! Uh-oh, the outlaws are coming. Heaven help us all. Since heavenly addresses are a bit hard to come by, why not thank that butcher instead? After all, he did special order that extra large turkey you needed, and just in time too!

December – Finishing Up

OH NO, you forgot Uncle Moe? The clerk at the store felt your pain, went the extra mile, and found the perfect last minute gift that didn’t look ‘last minute’ at all. Make their holiday happier with a note of thanks from you, ‘the desperate last minute shopper’.

SO, maybe you can put the challenge to the test for yourself, your family, your group. You don’t need to raise money for a fund – but it is nice to celebrate at the end of the year for all the gratitude you shared and received.

Talk it up now and by the time January rolls around, you’ll be ready to go.



Wednesday, October 22, 2014

10 Simple Steps to Improve Your Life

I know. You’ve heard it all before, right?

That’s the first step but to make things happen, we need to take action.

Actions can be small. Many small actions add up to BIG changes.

If you look back your own life, you can probably find at least one instance of this. You may not remember but there was a time when you were crawling and attempting to get up. You kept at it and one day, you were walking. That’s a HUGE change. Especially for those around you because at that point, you were able to get around very quickly – which meant more eyes needed to be on you to ensure your safety. The process is always the same. You ought not to jump into the deep end of the pool if you don’t know how to swim. It’s scary and it can be life threatening – which is indeed life changing – but not in a good way!

Starting small and seeing small results motivates us to continue and when we do, the results increase and life brings more positive things your way.

So I’m offering you a challenge – prove me wrong. Go ahead. Take one of the small changes below and incorporate it into your life for one week. BE CONSISTENT. It’s really not fair to say “I’ve proved you wrong, T” when you didn’t do your part. I’m offering the steps, you need to take the action and do them properly. It won’t work otherwise. Everything does require SOME effort.

Choose one of these items to add to your daily routine and, no, you don’t need to start on a Sunday or Monday. Start today, right now. The sooner you begin the sooner your life will change for the better. Why put that off?

1.   Before you get out of bed each morning, just say Thank You. Say it out loud. Say it with your heart, say it with full gratitude. If you say it with disgust, because you’re just not into this, or you throw your thanks out into the air, then you’re not feeling into your gratitude. Offer thanks to the Universe, Spirit, Source, Abraham, Jesus, Ra, whoever the God of your understanding happens to be. Then get out of bed and move forward in your day. When we acknowledge our gratitude, positivity flows. Get those good feelings in your heart and say THANK YOU!!!!! You got another day, not everyone is as fortunate. 

2.   Before you take a sip of coffee or bite of toast, say Thank You. Some don’t have food to eat let alone options. How lucky are we? 

3.   As you step outside of your humble abode, take in a deep breath of air. You can breathe, and you can breathe deeply. It feels so good to take in that life sustaining breath. As you breathe, say Thank You. You’re lungs are able to take in air and keep you alive. That’s not true for all. 

4.   Before you get into your vehicle, on the bus, train, plane, bicycle, ferry, or whatever mode of transportation you require to get to your job, say Thank You. Your legs got you to your mode of transportation and your choice of transportation is going to get you the rest of the way. 

5.   If you’re buying a cup of Joe, don’t just quickly, courteously, say thanks to the barista. Look them in the eye and say Thank You. It is amazing how they will respond. People don’t always give a whole lot of notice to those in service. They will be appreciative and it will carry on to the next customer and the next and the next. You never know whose day you will be making better simply because you took a second, not even a minute, a second, to look them straight in the eye and acknowledge THEM. We all like to be acknowledged, it doesn’t take much to do so.

6.   SMILE. Let the world know that you are approachable and you have confidence in YOU. Smiling takes less effort than frowning and it really does start to change the way you feel. Your brain reacts to your body language – may as well let your brain react positively. Get those happy endorphins flowing and your day will be much better than you think!

7.   Pay a compliment. Is there someone who may be just missing the mark in whatever they are attempting to accomplish? That happens. We can’t always be at the TOP of our game. Life circumstances affect all that we do. Perhaps this person needs a bit of encouragement. Tell them you know they’re working hard and putting in a great effort and thank them for that. Acknowledgements can shift our thinking, which, when we’re trying to resolve an issue or come up with an idea, can really influence the outcome of our efforts. If you don’t know anyone who fits this scenario, what about YOU? When I’m trying to figure something out and I’m not getting it right, I’m not failing. I’m just finding the ways that don’t work. Cut yourself some slack. You’re working at it and you will find the way that does work.

8.   Go for a walk. Get out in nature. Really take it in and as you do, you’ll find your heart will open, your body will relax, your creativity will start to flow and your mood will lift. Even if you’re already in a happy state, you’ll increase your endorphin levels which will prolong that state of positivity. Be aware of what you see, hear, smell, feel, and taste. You can taste the air. You can feel it on your hands and face. What is nature doing? Take notice and give thanks for all that you see, feel, hear and for being able to take time to acknowledge it all.

9.   Throughout the day, as you meet with others, over lunch or during appointments, BE with that person. You chose to allocate this time with this person for whatever reason. Now, BE with them. Listen. Enjoy the interaction. Admire their qualities, the stories they tell, the statements they make, the points they bring up. Paying attention to others is so important in building and sustaining healthy relationships. They’ll feel good, you’ll feel good – it’s a win-win.

10.               Do you have a spouse, significant other, child or pet? Hug them, at least once, every day. The human touch is so important to our life. We crave it. We need it. It’s vital to our existence. A hug, be it gentle, strong, small, big, short or long, is a sure sign, that the person hugging wants you to know they love you and you matter. When you hug someone, it’s usually returned in kind and that action releases endorphins that once again, bring about positive feelings. It’s hard to declare war on someone when you have love in your heart. As for your significant other – a 10 second kiss in the morning and again in the evening is crucial to letting that special someone know, whatever the day brought, they’re still you’re number one person. It’s also fun and playful and romantic and  . . .again, all good stuff.
At the end of each day, reflect back. Did you really put your best effort into ONE of the steps? Think about it . . . be honest. Re-live it and acknowledge how well you did. Give thanks when you determine that you gave it your best. Give thanks when you recognize you didn’t because you now have that knowledge, you are aware and you have the option to start anew tomorrow. 

Want to make changes faster? Each night, write down 5 things about the day for which you are truly grateful. It can be anything. The sunshine, the rain we needed, a door held open for you, the fact that you found a space quickly in a full parking lot, the unexpected check in the mail, the smell of freshly mown grass, the list is endless. Maintaining a gratitude journal is a great way to increase and quicken more positive things coming into your life.

When we give thanks at night, prior to sleeping, we get a better nights’ sleep and we wake up more rested and refreshed. Take note of how that gratitude imbues your entire being. SMILE and rest well. 

When you do ONE thing for just ONE week, you’ll see a difference in your life. If you feel to, go ahead, add more. The more you incorporate the more of a difference you will notice and the more you will find yourself in the true flow of your life.

Be Happy – Give Gratitude!



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What is the Secret of Life?

I asked this question to 5 different groups of 40 students, aged 13-17 during a workshop I was asked to facilitate at a local high school.
The answers were all positive and uplifting. Love, Marriage, Happiness, Service to Others, Peace, Music, Food (we do need sustenance), Kindness, Joy, Freedom, Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy – each word led to another and the list went on and on.
Then I shared with them what I feel to be the secret of life. I told them it is a component of each of the things they said and that without it, they would more than likely never experience to the fullest many of those things that they had shouted out.
 The Secret to Life is Gratitude. 
No matter what the situation or circumstance, you can always find something to be grateful for. ALWAYS. It doesn’t matter what you’re experiencing, there is something, somewhere, in your life, that can be grateful for – no exceptions. Now, you may need to look for, but it is there.

One young woman told me she lost a cousin and 4 friends in 9/11. That is very sad, horrible and when people pass, it’s unbearable and leaves a huge hole in our hearts. But, we grow from all that we experience and if that person was never in our life, that hole that we feel due to their passing, would never have been filled at all, for any length of time.

 I have lost many, many, many people in my life through sickness and tragedy. One is never easier than the other. BUT, I do find myself realizing how empty my life would have been without having had them in my life to begin with. I am most grateful for the time I was able to share with these loved ones. Had I not, I would not have grown in the ways that I did to be the person that I am at this point in my life.

I have a friend who lost a son and then lost her husband a few years later. There’s no denying, losing a child is the absolute WORST experience in life. That’s just not how life is supposed to progress. She told me that the moment she heard the doctors tell her he had died, she knew, right then and there, that he was born to her and for her, so she could grow and learn. She learned so much from him and somehow, she knew it and grew more in that nano-second of time upon hearing of his passing than she had ever thought possible.

She is grateful for having had him as her son and she is grateful she has learned so much about life, grieving and enjoying the moments we have while we are here.

It’s not necessary to find gratitude about the situation you’re in, many times that presents too difficult a challenge. Sometimes we feel rage, anger, hatred – toward the Universe, God – however you see the God of your understanding – on top of the sadness and grief we’re experiencing. In those cases, at the moments when you think there is nothing to be grateful for, that’s when I go back to the basics.

I am grateful for the air that I breathe.
I am grateful I am able to think and express myself with words and emotions.
I am grateful I have clothing that protects me and keeps me warm, or cool.
I am grateful for the health that I have.
I am grateful I have money to pay my bills.
I am grateful to live in a free country.
I am grateful I can see, or hear, or feel, or touch, or taste, or walk, or run, or move, etc.

When it gets to the point where you absolutely cannot find something to be grateful for – be grateful you’re aware that you’re looking. Then, ask questions of yourself.

 What are you grateful for about your childhood? Don’t want to go back that far or can’t find anything there? Okay, what are you grateful for about a decade ago or a few years ago, or last month, or last week, or yesterday or this morning or 5 minutes ago? Did you have running water to bathe or make a cup of tea or coffee? Were you able to get out of bed without assistance? It all matters, we just don’t think of these “little” daily tasks because we take them for granted. I do it every day – that’s right, perhaps you do. How grateful are you that you can? Some have the ability to do the things the rest of us can that are so typical in our day.

 Maybe someone uttered a few kind words. THANK YOU!
Maybe someone opened a door for you. THANK YOU!
Maybe someone just smiled at you for no reason. THANK YOU!
Maybe someone just exists and the fact that they do makes you smile. THANK YOU!

There is so much to be grateful for in life. As we usher in this season of THANKS and we make ourselves aware of all the things we can be thankful for, large and small, we enter into our hearts and find we become more alive and in the flow of our life.
 Acknowledge all that you see. Cut yourself some slack when things don’t go well and search for something to be grateful for, you’ll get there. Once you do, take note of the all the positive changes that start happening in your life.

Gratitude is beneficial to both the one giving and the one receiving.

Intending you and yours a most wonderful season of thanks and giving. May it be filled with an abundance of things for which you will be most grateful!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

We're BACK and We've Got A NEW NAME! is now:

All of the posts from the previous blog have been moved to this blog so you can refer back to the older posts as you so choose.

It's good to be back - look for more coming from all of us here at Quantum Wellness Center.

Thank you so much for all of your support and loyalty!

I intend you a most wonderful day!

T Love, Owner
Energy Therapist
Quantum Wellness Center