Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Crystal Bowl Concerts

As part of my work as a Reiki Master and Sound Therapist, I provide crystal bowl concerts on a regular basis. The music is very healing and the energy from large groups of people always flows differently making each concert totally unique, offering new experiences to all those attending. It doesn’t seem to matter whether it is someone’s first concert or they are a crystal bowl “groupie”, they quickly find themselves lulled into a meditative healing state that is sometimes hard for them to express in words.

Concerts allow me, as the provider, an opportunity to explain what the bowls do as well as why and how they work on the human body the way they do. The comments I receive from people following a concert always amaze me. I know that these bowls are powerful healing instruments that work wonders – their comments always confirm that knowing.

This year, I decided I wanted to do something a bit different. I wanted to have concerts outside, in a serene, natural setting. So I scheduled one.

The first was on a Sunday afternoon, lakeside, in full sunshine where the temperatures exceeded 85°. Although it was quite a hot summer day, we had experienced many rainy Sundays and welcomed the heat and sunshine wholeheartedly. The sounds of the bowls echoing off the 40 acre lake were hauntingly beautiful. By the end of the concert, everyone felt a sense of peace, they were calm, free from stress and totally relaxed. It’s wonderful that such beautiful sounds can transform a person in such extreme ways.

Now that I had done that, I wanted to do more. So this past Sunday I decided the lakeside concert would be at Twilight, complete with Tiki Torches and fire pits to take the chill out of the late evening air. The atmospheric changes provided a spectacular display of light during the entire evening. After playing my bowls for the first set, everyone arose from their meditative states to a most spectacular sunset. The Universe had painted the sky in the most beautiful hues of red, pink, coral, white, yellow and blue.

As the moon began to rise and the blanket of darkness fell upon us it seemed as though the earths’ night life awakened. We could hear the rhythmic chirps from crickets and birds, the cry of a screech owl in the distance, frogs croaking and the splash from fish jumping in the lake. It was so very magical and every sound became a musical accompaniment to the subtle music of the bowls.

Those in attendance were awed by the sunset and the wonderful sounds of nature. The evening could not have been more perfect or beautiful in any way.

I am so grateful for the music of my bowls and most appreciative of those who take time to come to my concerts and receive the healing benefits they provide.

If you’ve never been to a concert, you really should make a concerted effort to attend. There are some who instantly feel a difference and tell me how drastic the effects were for them during the evening. Others don’t feel a dramatic effect but they are indeed at peace and stress free.

Whether it’s a dramatic change or just a sense of relief and relaxation, there is an instant change in energy that does take place. Thus begins the process of removing blocks and cleansing toxins from your system - physically, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually. Though all these areas are affected simultaneously, you may not feel the effects instantly, but you will know that something is different, and better, within your being.

Taking note of the subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, changes that occur during the following week allow you to really open up to the healing that you have allowed to begin by attending a quartz crystal singing bowl concert.

Photography provided by Susan Kozlowski Photography

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.