Thursday, February 26, 2009

What is a Typical Animal Reiki Session Like?

In person treatments are available for many animal clients. Notice that these are not referred to as "hands-on" treatments. This is because permission must be given by the animal first thus allowing the animal to determine the course of the treatment. Many animals enjoy hands-on treatments, and in these cases the practitioner will use the hand positions the animal guides them to.

For other animals, treatments are much more comfortable from a few feet away, or even from across the room or paddock. Whether given directly hands-on or from across the room, treatments are equally effective. Most importantly, treatments should always be adjusted to fit each animal's preference.

First, it is most important to begin a session by bonding with the animal and allowing them to get accustom to the Reiki energy. Usually animals respond to Reiki easily, they have no preconceived notions and are very trusting of the energy so this is not as daunting a task as it sounds. Once they become familiar with the practitioner and the energy they instinctively begin to take in as much, or as little, as they want or feel they need. Starting at a distance allows them to determine how close they would like to be to the source of the energy. Many times they present that part of their body that needs attention, sometimes even insisting that the practitioners’ hands be placed in a particular spot.

Once the practitioner starts administering Reiki, the animal noticeably relaxes and just allows the energy flow through their body. It’s amazing to see how quickly and effortlessly it is to work with animals, once that bond is established. Many animals will fall asleep during the treatment. Upon waking, they usually have more energy and it’s not uncommon for them to want copious amounts of water. Somehow, they instinctively know that water is essential in energy work.

A session can last anywhere from 10 minutes to one hour depending upon the individual needs of the animal. They will usually let you know when they are finished with the session by waking up, becoming distracted, wanting to play or simply walking away.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Treating Animals with Reiki

Animals easily and gratefully accept the power of Reiki. They respond intuitively to the energy because it is gentle, non-invasive and doesn't cause any discomfort, pain or stress whatsoever.
Reiki helps animals heal both emotionally and physically. Behavioral issues subside as anxiety levels are reduced through Reiki energy. Reiki treatments also help animals to recover more quickly from surgery, injury or illness.

Reiki assists animals in maintaining good health by enhancing relaxation which allows them to feel peaceful, calm and contented.

For animals who are ill, Reiki is a wonderful healing method and a safe complement to Western Medicine, Chinese Medicine, homeopathy, and all other forms of healing.

For dying animals, Reiki is a powerful yet gentle way to ease with the transition by providing comfort and relief from pain while reducing anxiety and fear.

Many animals, especially shelter animals, are not comfortable being touched. This is perfectly fine as the practitioner does not need to touch the animal to administer Reiki.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, February 20, 2009

How Does Reiki Affect the Client?

Reiki affects all levels of the body.

It can affect you emotionally by purging the body through tears, or through laughter, creating great joy;

It can affect you mentally – experiencing a sense of clarity;

It can affect you physically – providing relief from pain or discomfort;

And it can affect you spiritually – often times people will say they feel more connected to other people or the earth – the world around them; they feel more grounded or they feel a sense of purpose or have increased faith in themselves or in other people.

Reiki works on those areas that are out of balance, no matter what those areas are.

Reiki is not picky. It does not discriminate. It just knows where it needs to go even when the practitioner doesn’t know what the underlying problem is.

I do not direct Reiki….Reiki directs me. This is most obvious in animals who are so very receptive to Reiki energy.

Next Blog: Treating Animals with Reiki

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Reiki for Situations

Many times I get requests from people asking me to Reiki a situation in their life: finances, relationship, job security – you name it, I’ve probably gotten the request.

Because everything, including a life situation, is a form of energy, Reiki may easily be administered. It’s just that the concentration, or focus, is on the situation itself, rather than on the person or animal specifically. Reiki works only toward the highest healing good therefore, Reiki works in the best interest of all those involved in the situation.

Having said that, the best interest is not always what we think we want.

For instance, I had a client ask me to Reiki his job situation. He had been out of work for 6 months and would be going on an interview in a few days.

For this gentleman, the time, travel, salary and challenges of the job seemed a good match, or so he thought. He did not receive an offer, which he did not understand at all. He kept wondering why he didn’t get the job. He thought about the interview, the job requirements, his qualifications and how he responded to questions, but he couldn’t figure out what went wrong. He kept in touch with the company, sent a thank you note, made the follow-up call and basically did everything he could to convince them he was the man for the job. Nothing he did brought him an offer.

About a month later he got a call from a different company asking him to come in for an interview. Again he called me asking that I Reiki the situation. I did. He knew this was a better position, with a higher salary and more responsibility. What he did not know however was that this company was building an office closer to his residence and the available position just happen to be in the department that would be moving into that office building.

This time, he got the job. It wasn’t until he looked back that he could see why he didn’t get the first job. That job was not in his highest healing good. Not for him, not for his family, not for the company.

He asked for Reiki in both situations. No matter how hard he tried to convince the first company that he was the right candidate for the job, he didn’t get it. He knew he was overqualified; he was even willing to take a cut in pay. But it was neither in his best interest nor in the best interest of the company that he get that job.

Although we always want what is best for us and we presume to know what that is, sometimes, we don’t. We are not privy to what our highest healing good is. No one is. We just know what we want and we focus on it so much, that we don’t see anything but that which is presented to us at that moment. Sometimes what is presented at that moment is just a distraction to what we really need and we find ourselves willing to settle.

Reiki knows best and brings about that which truly is in our best interest and for the highest healing good of all those involved.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, February 13, 2009

How Does Reiki Feel?

Quite frankly, it varies from person to person. Some people don’t feel a thing – that doesn’t mean they didn’t receive Reiki, it just means they didn’t feel anything. But, I guarantee they received Reiki.

For most people however the feelings they describe can be sensations of tingling, heat or cold, and it can be extreme. Some people feel a heaviness or pressure; others become completely limp as if lying on a bed of air. There may be a sense of total peacefulness and calm, relief from pain or discomfort , whether physical or emotional. Some people just fall asleep - men and women alike. There are some practitioners who insist only men fall asleep but I really must disagree. I’ve heard too many sleeping women sleeping – we snore, even though we don’t like to admit it. We do. When I hear that, or when I hear the breathing pattern change and become steady – I know you’re asleep. That’s fine, it’s actually very good because as we all know, when you sleep, you heal. If you’re sleeping, you’re not trying to make yourself feel anything and Reiki is just flowing freely within and around your energy fields allowing the healing to take place more easily.

No matter how you experience it personally, clients always end up in a very nice state of relaxation.

You don't have to have a problem to receive a Reiki treatment either. Reiki is often used as a preventive measure toward achieving and maintaining optimum health. We exercise to maintain a healthy weight, we weight train to build muscle and increase metabolism, we attend yoga classes to prepare ourselves for meditation - the goal of yoga, and we meditate to relieve stress and anxiety. Just as all of these things are used as a preventive measure, so is Reiki.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Who is The Healer?

As part of my work, I provide PowerPoint presentations along with demonstrations of my quartz crystal singing bowls to various groups, churches, organizations, companies; quite frankly anyone who feels they have a group of people who would be interested in learning a bit about vibrational medicine.

After scheduling the date/time/venue, I send the coordinator my bio with a short paragraph they can read to introduce me to their audience. Inevitably, words are changed and I hear, “Please join me in welcoming Reiki Healer, T Love”. Each time, I need to immediately correct this by explaining that I am NOT a “Healer”.

Okay, T, if you’re not the healer, who is?


What does that mean?

Well, it is me, just not in the way you think. You see, the practitioner is not the healer in the sense that neither I, nor anyone else on this planet for that matter, can heal someone else. I DO NOT CURE ANY ONE OF ANY THING. Only, God, Source, the Universe, Spirit, The Creator, Higher Power – however you refer to a supreme being; only that being is capable of healing – I am most certainly not that, not by any stretch of the imagination, believe me. No one is.

I, as a practitioner, am quite simply employing time-tested energy therapy techniques that open us up to the healing power that is already inherent within each and every one of us.

Now, I have been referred to as a channel, or a conduit, or a pipeline; and I do think of myself as just that, but ONLY that. I am a pipeline for energy flow.

Your body knows what to do. Your body knows how to heal. It’s just that sometimes your energy fields are blocked. That’s where vibrational medicine comes into play. Using the modalities of Reiki and Sound Therapy, these blocks are released so your body can do what it knows it is both capable of doing and what it is meant to do.

The healing is in you. It’s in your own body.

So, who is the healer? You are. I am. We all are – of, and for, ourselves.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, February 6, 2009

How Does Reiki Work?


Reiki balances the energy of a person so they may heal more quickly.

The human energy system has three parts: the meridians (or energy pathways), the chakras (energy centers), and the aura (energy fields). Reiki is a form of hands-on treatment used to manipulate energy fields within and around the body.

Reiki influences all the human energy systems simultaneously in order to liberate the body's natural healing powers.

Everything in our universe is made up entirely of energy. Einstein formulated this knowledge in his well known equation E=MC2 (energy = mass x the speed of light squared). Light is energy, our emotions are energy, our thoughts are energy, our physical bodies and the physical world surrounding us are all energy. Knowing that our body is made up of energy fields, with the physical body as one of these, then it is easier to understand how the healing energy of Reiki works.

What we experience as disease, or dis-ease, whether emotional, mental or physical, are the manifestations of imbalances in our body. But the source of the problem can often be found in imbalances in our energy fields.

So what causes these imbalances? Our thoughts, emotions and attitudes play a huge role in the fitness of our body. Thoughts and emotions are energy. When we have pessimistic and negative thoughts, we create imbalances. We often repress thoughts and emotions because, well, quite frankly that is what we have been taught to do in our society. We are not supposed to show certain emotions or express our emotions or feelings and if we do then we’re supposed to feel guilty about it. It’s a catch 22 because in either case we create blocks in our energy system. Not all of these imbalances are self-induced, there are of course outside influences also, such as environmental factors that create imbalances: noise pollution, air pollution, water pollution, people pollution (you know, all those negative people you run into) & electro-magnetic fields – we’re being bombarded daily with all of this stuff and all of this stuff creates imbalances.

Reiki works on an energetic level. Our body is a complex system of different levels interacting with each other continuously. Where most healing methods work only on one level, usually the physical level (because that’s when we seek help, when we’re in pain or discomfort), Reiki works on all levels simultaneously and it balances on all levels wherever our energy flows are blocked so it may assist in healing the physical symptoms of the disease.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What is Reiki?

Let’s start quite simple with the correction pronunciation:

Reiki (ray-key) – with the emphasis on the first syllable.

It is a Japanese word with a literal meaning of “Universal Life Force”.

Rei (Ray) meaning Universal and Ki (key) meaning Life Force.

In Japan, Life Force is Energy thus we define Reiki as “Universal Life Force Energy”.

Okay, you know how to properly pronounce it. Now, just exactly what is it?

Reiki is the Life Force Energy which flows through everything in life. It’s all around us, sustaining life itself.

The history of Reiki is uncertain, but the basis for modern-day practice may have originated in Tibet more than 2,500 years ago. Reiki was rediscovered in the early 1900’s by Dr. Mikao Usui, in Kyoto, Japan.

This gentleman was not only a Doctor but also a minister, a monk, a teacher, a reader, a researcher, a traveler, a meditator and a channellor. During a lengthy period of travel, research and deep meditations Dr. Usui found ancient texts that described Reiki and its power to heal by manipulating the energy fields that flow through all living things. From his studies, he developed what came to be known as the Usui system or more succinctly the Usui-Ryoho system of Reiki.

Okay, so that answers What is Reiki?

Just so there is no misunderstanding however, you need to know what Reiki is NOT

Reiki is NOT a medical diagnostic tool


Reiki does NOT provide services in lieu of a doctor

with that said however, there is a growing body of opinion that integrative medicine that takes advantage of all parts of the care spectrum as appropriate is more personally-effective, and cost-effective, than allopathic treatment alone (conventional medical treatment).

Reiki is not an INSTEAD treatment. It is to be used in conjunction, or along with, those medical treatments and procedures prescribed by your doctor.

Copyright 2007-2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.