Wednesday, January 28, 2009

T Love Reiki Introduction

This is my first time blogging. I really wasn't sure what it was all about and thought it really didn't fit in with my type of work. After a discussion with a friend who blogs, beautifully, I might add, I was told “there is a lot to say about Reiki and I really think you should start a blog”. Her suggestion, start with an introduction.

I've been practicing Reiki for 17 years. Of course, I didn't just go into it lightly. It wasn't because it seemed like a 'cool' thing to do, or because it was some fad that everyone was doing at the time. I was very curious and being a Capricorn, an anal Capricorn at that, I needed "proof" that this type of 'energy work' does indeed work. In thinking it all through, I realized taking a course on how to administer Reiki would only get me the attunements to be able to 'do it', but was not going to teach me the "WHY" or "HOW" that I desperately needed to know. I wondered what course(s) would give me the information I was seeking. Then it hit me. A course in energy. Frightening as it seemed, a course in physics - quantum physics no less, was the only way I would find the answers I wanted. And so my journey began.

As I said, that was 17+ years ago. I've loved every minute of the process and I've learned so much along the way. My training in England as a Quartz Crystal Sound Bowl Therapist/Teacher allows my clients to experience a full range of benefits unlike any other. I'd like this blog to explore all the different aspects of Reiki and Sound Therapy as it pertains to the evolving world of vibrational medicine. From the many uses and benefits to acceptance in mainstream healthcare, I'll be touching on a variety of issues and topics so please, visit often, add your comments and ask your questions. Mostly, I hope you enjoy the discussions.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I look forward to reading about your insights and the information and knowledge you are willing to generously share.
