I asked this question to 5
different groups of 40 students, aged 13-17 during a workshop I was asked to
facilitate at a local high school.
The answers were all positive
and uplifting. Love, Marriage, Happiness, Service to Others, Peace, Music, Food
(we do need sustenance), Kindness, Joy, Freedom, Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy
– each word led to another and the list went on and on.

No matter what the situation or circumstance, you can
always find something to be grateful for. ALWAYS. It doesn’t matter what you’re
experiencing, there is something, somewhere, in your life, that can be grateful
for – no exceptions. Now, you may need to look for, but it is there.
One young woman told me she lost
a cousin and 4 friends in 9/11. That is very sad, horrible and when people
pass, it’s unbearable and leaves a huge hole in our hearts. But, we grow from
all that we experience and if that person was never in our life, that hole that
we feel due to their passing, would never have been filled at all, for any
length of time.
I have a friend who lost a
son and then lost her husband a few years later. There’s no denying, losing a
child is the absolute WORST experience in life. That’s just not how life is
supposed to progress. She told me that the moment she heard the doctors tell
her he had died, she knew, right then and there, that he was born to her and
for her, so she could grow and learn. She learned so much from him and somehow,
she knew it and grew more in that nano-second of time upon hearing of his
passing than she had ever thought possible.
She is grateful for having
had him as her son and she is grateful she has learned so much about life,
grieving and enjoying the moments we have while we are here.
It’s not necessary to find
gratitude about the situation you’re in, many times that presents too difficult
a challenge. Sometimes we feel rage, anger, hatred – toward the Universe, God –
however you see the God of your understanding – on top of the sadness and grief
we’re experiencing. In those cases, at the moments when you think there is
nothing to be grateful for, that’s when I go back to the basics.
I am grateful for the air
that I breathe.
I am grateful I am able to
think and express myself with words and emotions.
I am grateful I have clothing
that protects me and keeps me warm, or cool.
I am grateful for the health
that I have.
I am grateful I have money to
pay my bills.
I am grateful to live in a
free country.
I am grateful I can see, or
hear, or feel, or touch, or taste, or walk, or run, or move, etc.
When it gets to the point where you absolutely cannot
find something to be grateful for – be grateful you’re aware that you’re
looking. Then, ask questions of yourself.
Maybe someone opened a door
for you. THANK YOU!
Maybe someone just smiled at
you for no reason. THANK YOU!
Maybe someone just exists and
the fact that they do makes you smile. THANK YOU!

Gratitude is beneficial to
both the one giving and the one receiving.
Intending you and yours a
most wonderful season of thanks and giving. May it be filled with an abundance
of things for which you will be most grateful!
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