Three months ago when I turned on the TV to get a weather update I stumbled upon a news story about people practicing blindfolded yoga at a New York City studio and I was immediately intrigued.

an even greater experience.
He decided to offer a class in blindfolded yoga and the students absolutely loved it.
After seeing this story I ran to my PC and e-mailed my yoga instructor. I even put a flyer together, extolling all the benefits, so it could be easily marketed. I offered to make blindfolds as I do sew and I have plenty of remnants that I would be more than willing to whip into blindfolds. I really wanted this class to be offered in my area. Driving to NYC for a one-hour class wasn’t exactly feasible, not on a regular basis. I wanted something close and I was willing to do whatever it took to get the class off the ground. Let’s do it! I put in the e-mail to her.
It worked! She said yes!!!!
I was immediately thrilled and went straight to work getting all the blindfolds made that I could. I used every bit of fabric I had and before I knew it, there were 39 blindfolds ironed and draped over a wire hanger just waiting to be tied around someone’s head. I brought them to my next class and happily gave them my instructor. A date had been set. The class was only one week away and I was very excited!!!!
So far, three classes have been offered. Those who attended have found it to be a wonderful experience. So much so, one woman took me aside and said, “Thanks so much for telling me about this, T. It’s the best yoga class I’ve ever taken”.
I was absolutely thrilled and I couldn’t agree more.
I told my instructor. She was thrilled too and now, blindfolded yoga is offered as a regularly scheduled class the second Thursday of every month at 7:15pm. It works out perfectly for everyone.
I love yoga. Being an energy therapist, I find yoga requires me to keep my focus while on the mat and then transfer it to my life allowing me to maintain that focus in my work. What I did not expect was an increase in my ability to focus. I find it is now ultra-sharp and I am in a state of hyper-focus during my work, which is more than amazing.
That focus flows over into every area of my life too, not just my work. My energy level is much higher. Many clients have commented on how different they feel now. “Your energy is different” – “that was an awesome session” – “that was very different” – “more intense” – “better than ever” – and my personal favorite, “What are you doing now, extreme Reiki”?
Why the difference? Well, I believe it’s the keen sense that’s attained in the practice of yoga. I absolutely believe in the many benefits of yoga. As I said, it helps me to concentrate and focus keenly on my clients and that’s what I get from a regular yoga class. Blindfolded yoga increases that significantly.
Think about it for just a moment. When in yoga, your concentration is on your postures, knowing where you are on your mat and how your body feels. You don’t want to go beyond your edge. You want to stay focused. You need to let go of the ego. Your goal is to maintain balance and BE IN THE MOMENT.
In blindfolded yoga you absolutely cannot go off course. There is no talking yourself into staying balanced, or being in the moment. You just are. I find it automatic. It cannot be any other way. The moment the blindfold goes on, it’s a different world. Your other senses are heightened. You must really listen to the instructor and that makes all the difference. To be honest, I’m extremely lucky as my instructor took this idea and ran with it – she nailed it from the get go. “Sense where you are”, “Feel yourself in balance”, “Notice which muscles are engaged as you hold this posture”. Ego is nowhere to be found. It can’t be. Yoga is not a competition, it’s a practice and when you’re wearing a blindfold – it’s all about YOU. I actually feel as though no one else is in the room. It’s very quiet – it has to be so you can hear the instructor and although I know that, it still feels like I’m taking a private class.
Now this is not to say you start out doing this perfectly. Of course not, you may get off balance, but your concentration level is such that you tend not to think “let’s see what I can do” – that’s the ego talking. If you fall out of triangle, so what, who cares? Everyone is wearing a blindfold. The only one who sees you is the instructor and that’s fine. They aren’t wearing a blindfold but even when they first attempt blindfolded yoga, they falter. It’s expected. More importantly, it’s okay.
Blindfolded yoga is a hugely relaxing and heightening of the senses practice.
The goal of yoga is meditation, otherwise known as Svasana.
The goal of blindfolded is the same. The only difference is, for me and others I have spoken with, we experience a much deeper meditation. There is never a moment when I am thinking about the next moment. Actually, that’s true throughout the entire class. It’s all about the NOW. And NOW, is a fabulous place to be. That in itself was a most wonderful discovery.
If you’re frazzled, scattered, feeling too much is going on and you can’t seem to shake the energy that seems to be pummeling you – take a yoga class – then, when you feel ready, go for the blindfolded yoga. You will be so glad you did.
Blindfolded yoga is not for the beginner. I believe you need to have a bit of experience in the practice of yoga before taking blindfolded yoga – if not, you may become confused and frustrated and that is not what yoga is about at all. Yoga is to be experienced – it’s not a workout – it is a practice and once you get that, the benefits of the practice only increase when you put the blindfold over your eyes.
If you’ve been doing yoga for a while and you want to try something different, then please, take my suggestion and get thee to a blindfolded yoga class.
Find a place that offers blindfolded yoga or, do what I did, present it to your own yoga instructor as an additional class that he or she may want to consider adding to their repertoire.
I believe once you try it, you will want to attend a class every week. I know I do. Unfortunately, it’s a once a month offering in my area right now but that’s okay. I look forward to the next class and quite frankly, I close my eyes way more often in my regular yoga classes than I ever did before.
Let me know what you think after you attend a blindfolded yoga class.
Namaste! I totally agree with you. I just came from my first "blind" yoga and it's a really great and interesting experience. On regular classes, we usually are visual, doing the poses as how the teacher does it. We also check ourselves out if we're doing the correct alignment when there are mirrors around. With blind yoga, you get to trust and feel yourself. You have more focus as you listen to each instruction. I think we will be doing it again sometime soon. I can't wait for our next class!