However, when I came upon Women Healing Women, by Dr. William Keepin and Cynthia Brix, I felt it was something that needed to be discussed. Okay, you won’t find it on the self-help aisle, but the lessons that can be learned from this book are innumerable: acceptance, caring, kindness, forgiveness, gratitude, joy, love, life transformation and yes, what it means to be charitable and giving.
I am amazed by the way the authors write the stories of the women of India, the horrors of their lives and yet, at the same time, teach the reader that in this thing we do that we call life, we can all make a difference and we can indeed all get along.
I don’t want to give too much away so I’m not going to summarize the stories here. It’s a great book that is both inspiring and eye opening. You’re heart will open up and the love that you feel will envelope your very soul. Self-help or not, this is an important compilation of stories that cannot help but make you feel gratitude for yourself and your circumstances while making you aware and conscious of those things that we sometimes turn our back on because, hey, if it isn’t in my own backyard, I don’t need to deal with it, right?
Well, the irony is – the stories actually do depict things that are happening right here, right now, in our own backyards. We just need to be aware, recognize and help as much as we can.
If you weren’t able to listen to the live broadcast, take the time to go to www.blogtalkradio/energyawareness and select the October 28th show, Women Healing Women. Based on the reviews I received, I think you’ll agree that it is both a moving and powerful book.
As Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Our lives have become very global. We need to be aware of the social events of the world we live in.
ReplyDeleteI loved this topic. Having taken many woman's issue classes in college, I not only understood myself better, but became interested in the lives of woman throughout.
Your discussion of Women Healing Women was very enlightening and full of hope. Even though the topic was about the women, it was important that the men involved supporting this project was also mentioned.
Great forum, keep them coming!