Why are we here? What is our purpose? These questions come up in the course of one’s life, over and over and over again.
Sometimes, we have a difficult time trying to determine what it is that we are truly supposed to be doing, we don’t feel as though we are in alignment with what we are truly meant to do and we seek answers wherever and however we can.
Last week my guest was Mr. Stewart St. John, a most gifted intuitive and composer. Though he never learned how to compose music, he is able to connect to an individuals’ soul through meditation and intuitively interprets the soul as music or sound. Stewart has no musical training, but hears the vibrational frequency — or tones — of people, places and things he encounters, much like some people see auras.
I heard the soul song of a friend of mine and knew immediately it was her. I requested the song of a good friend who had passed recently and when I received it, I was amazed at how clearly and purely the music evoked his spirit. It WAS him.
Included with the soul song is a verbal interpretation – also right on the mark. Mr. Stewart has neither met nor spoken with these individuals prior to composing their songs. The only information he has is the recipient name, date of birth, location and a photo that requests be sent via e-mail.
I know that when I received my soul song, I felt as though it could not possibly be me. The others were so very much the people I knew but mine, well, it was different. I honestly didn’t care for it too much. Then, as I thought about it, I determined that I needed to listen to the song continuously until something resonated with me. After about three days on constantly listening to my song – in the house, on my PC and in my car, I began to feel different.
The music evoked changes that I do not believe I would have felt as had I been living my life as usual. I became acutely more aware of what was changing within my very being. Yes, it was deep in my soul. I experienced a migraine headache, something I had not had for 12 years and there was no other change in my life, except this song. After the migraine, I felt I had grown. It wasn’t just me, others noticed the changes too.
I felt I was in alignment with myself. I became more creative. Everything I started seemed to flow easily and flawlessly, without any glitches or interruptions.
As I noticed this occurring, I kept listening to the song. In only three days, my life was shifting, in a major way. After five days unexpected opportunities were being presented and I was taking them, and with every passing moment, things were getting better and better and still are to this day.
Is this my soul song? ABSOLUTELY! I have no doubt whatsoever.
I truly believe if you are indeed listening to your soul song, you cannot help but become aligned with your true purpose. How could it be otherwise? It is the song your soul sings that you hear and therefore the purpose of your life begins to become crystal clear.
Couples should really get their own soul songs prior to marriage. If they did, and let’s just say one person did not like their potential partner’s song, well, I’m guessing marriage counseling would no longer be a necessity. If you do not resonate with your potential partners’ song, don’t become partners at all. Don’t waste time, effort or money on something that is not ringing true to your own soul.
Mr. Stewart has a true gift, a unique calling, if you will. If each person listened to their own soul song, I believe they would find that their life would become a whole lot easier to traverse and their journey would be a smoother one. Oh, I’m not saying everything will be coming up roses, but I am saying that it seems logical that it would be easier for each person to get through their life lessons.
There is no soul that is evil, not at its’ true core. There are however those who have evil lifetimes. Some who are experiencing difficult times choose, and it is a choice, to be evil in their human experience. Might they not make that choice if they were listening to the beautiful sound of their own soul? Our souls want only the highest good and best for us and those we encounter which, when you think about it, is the whole of humanity.
Every life impacts another, sometimes in a big way, sometimes in a small way. Even the small impacts effect the whole so it really is big impact overall. Sometimes we interact in a good way and sometimes, it’s not so good. If everyone worked on their own life from their core essence, by hearing their song, I do believe this world would be a much happier, safer, calmer and peaceful place.
Listen to the December 23rd show at www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness
If you want to give a most loving, caring and thoughtful gift, I highly recommend the gift of a soul song – you’ll be doing something wonderful for the recipient, yourself and everyone else.
I truly believe the most beautiful music a person can hear is their own soul song.
Think about it for those people in your life that you wish to acknowledge on special occasions: Valentine’s Day, a birthday or anniversary…..there are holidays throughout the year. Pick one and get your loved one the most unique and thoughtful gift they will ever receive. Get it for yourself and begin to feel the gift of truly living your passion.
Go to www.stewartstjohnlight.com today. It may take a bit of time to get your soul song, but, I guarantee if whoever you purchase it for listens to it frequently, their life will change dramatically, for the better.
I intend a safe, happy, healthy and peaceful New Year to each and every one of you.
May this, the first year of the second decade of this millennium, bring only beautiful things to your lives.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Health Care Reform: Why Should Preventive Measures be Included?
It’s a well-known fact that the pharmaceutical companies pretty much run the health care industry in this country. It’s also a shame because the bottom line is money – not improved health – though I’m quite sure these companies would say otherwise.
Taking a pill for every little problem seems to be the way of the world. The problem with that is those pills cost money, a lot of money, and they do not eliminate the cause of the symptom. Watch TV commercials, some of the side effects are actually worse than the problem the drug is to be used for in the first place. There is definitely something wrong with that – why take a drug that has worse side effects than the problem you are already experiencing? Isn’t that just asking for more problems? Or worse, some even state “in rare cases, death”. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I’d rather do something that doesn’t offer DEATH as a side effect. But that’s just my opinion – perhaps I’m being too cautious. No, I don’t think so – life is a precious gift – I’d like to live mine as long as possible.
If the insurance companies would look into the future, the not so distant future, they would see that those pills that are being taken today are only giving short-term relief for what could grow into a larger issue. A lot of people opt for the easy fix while still living their lives in ways that do not promote overall health. Ultimately, that pill they’re taking works for a time, while the real cause of the problem continues to grow. The next thing you know, you’re going in for more tests and procedures and maybe even overnight hospital stays that all cost a whole lot of money. Money that you, the patient, give to the insurance company through those ridiculously high premiums you pay each month.
If alternative therapies were covered by insurance companies: Reiki, Sound Therapy, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Yoga or Pilates Classes, Gym memberships, people would be a lot healthier for a lot longer and they would not need these expensive drugs or tests. Issues they have would either be eliminated or not occur in the first place.
It’s a fact, yoga, Pilates, consistent physical exercise - these preventive measures reduce stress (the biggest cause of ALL diseases), anxiety, blood pressure, cholesterol and weight. All of which is in vital to a healthy body – physically, mentally and emotionally.
We all want to look younger, act younger and feel younger. It is through these measures that this occurs and when we stick to a plan that includes preventive measures, we are indeed much healthier overall.
When individuals do have an issue, sometimes, alternative treatments, that are normally less expensive in the long run, are more effective than that drug that gives immediate relief but doesn’t quite cut it when it comes to really taking care of the problem. Remember, a lot of the drugs cover up the issue by alleviating the symptom only.
Given all the clinical trials and studies that various holistic health therapies have undergone, there is more than a fair amount of proof that alternative therapies not only work but ultimately cost a lot less than many conventional treatments.
Complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine, and alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. Integrative medicine combines conventional and Complementary Alternative Medical (CAM) treatments for which there is evidence of safety and effectiveness.
I would think the fact that there are studies to back up the effectiveness of CAM therapies is enough for this country to get a health care reform bill passed that includes coverage for alternative treatments and preventive measures.
More than 44% of Americans use some form of complementary alternative medicine. That’s a large part of the population and that number is only increasing with each passing year.
If we are truly speaking about health care reform then it is imperative that we look to alternative therapies and preventive measures as part of our health care practices and include them in the health care reform bill so all Americans may have the ability to cost effectively achieve and maintain optimum health, if they so choose.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Taking a pill for every little problem seems to be the way of the world. The problem with that is those pills cost money, a lot of money, and they do not eliminate the cause of the symptom. Watch TV commercials, some of the side effects are actually worse than the problem the drug is to be used for in the first place. There is definitely something wrong with that – why take a drug that has worse side effects than the problem you are already experiencing? Isn’t that just asking for more problems? Or worse, some even state “in rare cases, death”. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I’d rather do something that doesn’t offer DEATH as a side effect. But that’s just my opinion – perhaps I’m being too cautious. No, I don’t think so – life is a precious gift – I’d like to live mine as long as possible.
If the insurance companies would look into the future, the not so distant future, they would see that those pills that are being taken today are only giving short-term relief for what could grow into a larger issue. A lot of people opt for the easy fix while still living their lives in ways that do not promote overall health. Ultimately, that pill they’re taking works for a time, while the real cause of the problem continues to grow. The next thing you know, you’re going in for more tests and procedures and maybe even overnight hospital stays that all cost a whole lot of money. Money that you, the patient, give to the insurance company through those ridiculously high premiums you pay each month.
If alternative therapies were covered by insurance companies: Reiki, Sound Therapy, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Yoga or Pilates Classes, Gym memberships, people would be a lot healthier for a lot longer and they would not need these expensive drugs or tests. Issues they have would either be eliminated or not occur in the first place.
It’s a fact, yoga, Pilates, consistent physical exercise - these preventive measures reduce stress (the biggest cause of ALL diseases), anxiety, blood pressure, cholesterol and weight. All of which is in vital to a healthy body – physically, mentally and emotionally.
We all want to look younger, act younger and feel younger. It is through these measures that this occurs and when we stick to a plan that includes preventive measures, we are indeed much healthier overall.
When individuals do have an issue, sometimes, alternative treatments, that are normally less expensive in the long run, are more effective than that drug that gives immediate relief but doesn’t quite cut it when it comes to really taking care of the problem. Remember, a lot of the drugs cover up the issue by alleviating the symptom only.
Given all the clinical trials and studies that various holistic health therapies have undergone, there is more than a fair amount of proof that alternative therapies not only work but ultimately cost a lot less than many conventional treatments.
Complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine, and alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. Integrative medicine combines conventional and Complementary Alternative Medical (CAM) treatments for which there is evidence of safety and effectiveness.
I would think the fact that there are studies to back up the effectiveness of CAM therapies is enough for this country to get a health care reform bill passed that includes coverage for alternative treatments and preventive measures.
More than 44% of Americans use some form of complementary alternative medicine. That’s a large part of the population and that number is only increasing with each passing year.
If we are truly speaking about health care reform then it is imperative that we look to alternative therapies and preventive measures as part of our health care practices and include them in the health care reform bill so all Americans may have the ability to cost effectively achieve and maintain optimum health, if they so choose.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
It’s That Time of Year!
There are so many poems, stories and songs that bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart. Why is it the holidays seem to be the most stressful time of year?
We do it to ourselves and then resent others because we acquiesce and do what we feel we must do. We allow others to dictate where we go, how we celebrate and with whom and then we are too tired and frustrated to speak up and say what we would like to make our holiday easy, quiet, calm, fun, entertaining, joyful, whatever you and yours want it to be.
Make this your year. What are traditions anyway? Someone started them. But no one set them in stone. Make your own traditions. Start with your immediate family. Is that you and your spouse? Is it you, your spouse and your children? What do you, as a family, want to do? Take a survey and make your own traditions around those results.
You may find that your child thinks the holidays wouldn’t be the same without candy canes on a Christmas tree or perhaps singing songs after lighting the menorah. Maybe the holiday dinner won’t be complete for your spouse without creamed onions, or that special cranberry relish that Aunt Anne made every year.
Most of the time, it’s the little things that make the difference. We go for the big things thinking we have to do it all, and not just do it all, but do it all flawlessly. Those are impossible goals – and those high standards, that we place upon ourselves, cause nothing but stress, anxiety and resentment.
Be the one to broach the changes. As adults, maybe exchanging gifts is something that is difficult for everyone. Financially, it can be a strain. Mentally, it can be beyond stressful. As we move away from the nucleus of the family in which we are brought up, we change. Our tastes change. We are no longer the little child we once were – especially if we didn’t speak up when we were a child and just went along with the flow to keep peace and not hurt anyone's feelings. In that case, maybe no one really knew who you were to begin with so they couldn’t possibly know you now.
Have a conversation about the changes you want to make. You may see, or hear, relief from the person you are speaking with. It’s amazing how a few kind and simple words can make new traditions that work for everyone.
Give a real gift this year; the gift of time, peace and calm. You’ll never know what your traditions are until you get them started. For yourself. Start a tradition of giving of yourself, to yourself. It’s only in the giving of ourselves, by taking care of ourselves, that we can then give to others.
Intending you and yours a very Happy Holiday!
We do it to ourselves and then resent others because we acquiesce and do what we feel we must do. We allow others to dictate where we go, how we celebrate and with whom and then we are too tired and frustrated to speak up and say what we would like to make our holiday easy, quiet, calm, fun, entertaining, joyful, whatever you and yours want it to be.
Make this your year. What are traditions anyway? Someone started them. But no one set them in stone. Make your own traditions. Start with your immediate family. Is that you and your spouse? Is it you, your spouse and your children? What do you, as a family, want to do? Take a survey and make your own traditions around those results.
You may find that your child thinks the holidays wouldn’t be the same without candy canes on a Christmas tree or perhaps singing songs after lighting the menorah. Maybe the holiday dinner won’t be complete for your spouse without creamed onions, or that special cranberry relish that Aunt Anne made every year.
Most of the time, it’s the little things that make the difference. We go for the big things thinking we have to do it all, and not just do it all, but do it all flawlessly. Those are impossible goals – and those high standards, that we place upon ourselves, cause nothing but stress, anxiety and resentment.
Be the one to broach the changes. As adults, maybe exchanging gifts is something that is difficult for everyone. Financially, it can be a strain. Mentally, it can be beyond stressful. As we move away from the nucleus of the family in which we are brought up, we change. Our tastes change. We are no longer the little child we once were – especially if we didn’t speak up when we were a child and just went along with the flow to keep peace and not hurt anyone's feelings. In that case, maybe no one really knew who you were to begin with so they couldn’t possibly know you now.
Have a conversation about the changes you want to make. You may see, or hear, relief from the person you are speaking with. It’s amazing how a few kind and simple words can make new traditions that work for everyone.
Give a real gift this year; the gift of time, peace and calm. You’ll never know what your traditions are until you get them started. For yourself. Start a tradition of giving of yourself, to yourself. It’s only in the giving of ourselves, by taking care of ourselves, that we can then give to others.
Intending you and yours a very Happy Holiday!
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Opening the Eight Gates of Wisdom
Do NOT let the title fool you! Yes, it is about transformation during the second half of life but to be fair, this book is perfect for anyone at any age.
Angeles Arrien joined me on Energy Awareness this week to discuss this book. It's not a topic that is discussed readily in the United States. We have a tendency to cast aside our elderly, put them out to pasture and not give them the respect and honors they deserve.
In reading this book I learn about these metaphorical gates that we traverse beginning at about age 60. Okay, I get that. BUT, in reading this book, I clearly learn that I've been through some of these gates before. No, not in a different lifetime. During this very life I'm currently living and I must say, without doubt, that this book is a wonderful guide and can help anyone transform at any age.
I would dare to say that the insights I got where phenomenal. It's a must read for those who are in their early 20's right through retirement. If you read this book, I believe, you'll avail yourself to the opportunities of growth and know how to get through them, good and bad, because you'll learn to be more aware of where you are, exactly, in your life.
Angeles is more than well educated and speaks to us clearly and easily offering insights about aging that we as a society have dismissed all too easily.
Listen to the show at #BlogTalkRadio - http://tobtr.com/s/777774
Then purchase the book, it would make a really wonderful holiday gift. Oh, and who says you can't gift yourself? Go to: http://www.angelesarrien.com/
To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson: "To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or redeemed social condition; to know even ONE life has breathed easier because YOU live --- that is to have succeeded."
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
8 Gates,
Angeles Arrien,
Friday, December 4, 2009
Connecting with Angels
I was so fortunate to have had such a wonderful guest on the show this week.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Deanna August holds a masters degree in counseling and is a Certified Angel Therapist Practitioner under the tutelage of Doreen Virtue.
When it comes to the angelic realm, Deanna is a plethora of information. There were so many questions coming in from the chat room, all of which were answered in a way that we all could understand. The show was informative and entertaining. Deanna is a great speaker and certainly knows her subject matter well.
Rather than reiterate what she told us, I think it would behoove everyone to listen to the show so you can get the full benefit of what she told us. Our angels are always around us and we can connect to them so easily. They are just waiting for us to ask for their assistance and if we ask, they will gladly assist in whatever way they can.
Go to www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness to listen in.
I’ve already secured her for another show on April 14th so be sure to add that to your new 2o10 calendar. In the meantime, I invite you to visit her website www.deanna-august.com to learn more about her and all the work she is doing to help all of us connect with the angelic realm.
When it comes to the angelic realm, Deanna is a plethora of information. There were so many questions coming in from the chat room, all of which were answered in a way that we all could understand. The show was informative and entertaining. Deanna is a great speaker and certainly knows her subject matter well.
Rather than reiterate what she told us, I think it would behoove everyone to listen to the show so you can get the full benefit of what she told us. Our angels are always around us and we can connect to them so easily. They are just waiting for us to ask for their assistance and if we ask, they will gladly assist in whatever way they can.
Go to www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness to listen in.
I’ve already secured her for another show on April 14th so be sure to add that to your new 2o10 calendar. In the meantime, I invite you to visit her website www.deanna-august.com to learn more about her and all the work she is doing to help all of us connect with the angelic realm.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Deanna August,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Living in Gratitude
Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons were on the show last night to talk about their book: Living Life as a Thank You. What a great reference manual for each of us to use during those times when it seems almost impossible to find anything for which you are grateful.
The book is a compilation of true stories, touching on so many different life issues, surely everyone will be able to relate to one of them. Getting through life’s adversities is sometimes difficult, but being grateful, on a daily basis helps to get through them more easily.
If you wake up and can just remember to be grateful for that – when you think about it, THAT, waking up, is HUGE! Some people won’t wake up, but here WE are!
Daily gratitudes make for life transformations. Thank you, to be polite, is of course a gratitude. So is doing something for someone else. We can be grateful to have the opportunity TO do something for someone.
Driving in traffic, let a car out of the side street and watch as they then, in turn, let someone else out as well. It perpetuates, and it only brings more good things to those who are grateful.
Positive actions bring more positive actions. Gratitude in all things brings more things for which you may be grateful. It’s a wonderful circle that just keeps coming back to you with only positive and wonderful things.
We all have the resource of gratitude. We need only practice it. When we do, the results are immediate. I’ve done it just as an experiment to see what happens and I must admit, my life has transformed incredibly over the past few months. It has been most apparent over the past two to three weeks.
Try a little gratitude in your life and watch the results you receive. Here’s a tip to help you get started.
Clearing ourselves to let gratitude take precedence takes a bit of practice but once you see what happens, it becomes automatic. Be mindful of what you say and make an effort to correct all the negatives. For instance, when you say, oh, it’s a horrible day or it’s rainy and miserable, try to be aware that there is an opposing view. Follow it up by saying, this is a perfect day to get those indoor chores done, or the rain is good for the lawns and gardens and everything will now flourish. Those changes are both positive and they are filled with gratitude for what is and what is to be.
Writing down what you are grateful for also helps. Perhaps at the end of the day you can write down at least ONE thing that you are grateful for that occurred that day. You can, of course, be grateful for more but start small. Then add to it and when you get to a number that works for you, maintain that count each and every day.
If all live our lives as a thank you. We will all be on the right path to our happiness and we will be healthier, less stressed and we will have a whole lot more energy.
I am grateful for this opportunity to help those who wish to learn about living in gratitude.
Intending you all a most wonderful day!
The book is a compilation of true stories, touching on so many different life issues, surely everyone will be able to relate to one of them. Getting through life’s adversities is sometimes difficult, but being grateful, on a daily basis helps to get through them more easily.
If you wake up and can just remember to be grateful for that – when you think about it, THAT, waking up, is HUGE! Some people won’t wake up, but here WE are!
Daily gratitudes make for life transformations. Thank you, to be polite, is of course a gratitude. So is doing something for someone else. We can be grateful to have the opportunity TO do something for someone.
Driving in traffic, let a car out of the side street and watch as they then, in turn, let someone else out as well. It perpetuates, and it only brings more good things to those who are grateful.
Positive actions bring more positive actions. Gratitude in all things brings more things for which you may be grateful. It’s a wonderful circle that just keeps coming back to you with only positive and wonderful things.
We all have the resource of gratitude. We need only practice it. When we do, the results are immediate. I’ve done it just as an experiment to see what happens and I must admit, my life has transformed incredibly over the past few months. It has been most apparent over the past two to three weeks.
Try a little gratitude in your life and watch the results you receive. Here’s a tip to help you get started.
Clearing ourselves to let gratitude take precedence takes a bit of practice but once you see what happens, it becomes automatic. Be mindful of what you say and make an effort to correct all the negatives. For instance, when you say, oh, it’s a horrible day or it’s rainy and miserable, try to be aware that there is an opposing view. Follow it up by saying, this is a perfect day to get those indoor chores done, or the rain is good for the lawns and gardens and everything will now flourish. Those changes are both positive and they are filled with gratitude for what is and what is to be.
Writing down what you are grateful for also helps. Perhaps at the end of the day you can write down at least ONE thing that you are grateful for that occurred that day. You can, of course, be grateful for more but start small. Then add to it and when you get to a number that works for you, maintain that count each and every day.
If all live our lives as a thank you. We will all be on the right path to our happiness and we will be healthier, less stressed and we will have a whole lot more energy.
I am grateful for this opportunity to help those who wish to learn about living in gratitude.
Intending you all a most wonderful day!
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Letting Go
Letting go is never easy, especially when it comes to relationships. We’ve all heard the phrase ‘people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime’. We don’t know up front, when we first meet someone, into which category they will fall. Most times, it’s for a reason.
The reason people are those are that you meet and click with, who help you out or whom you help out and then you’re done. Could be the clerk at the store, or another parent at the PTO Meeting, or maybe it’s someone you don’t even meet in person but rather speak to on the phone or via e-mail. Whatever it is, this is the most common person who enters your life. Short relationship or long relationship, they’re in your life to either make a connection or an assist. Maybe it’s for a period of 10 years but you’re not really friends, you just see each other or speak about something specific – ‘the reason’ that you met and have a relationship at all.
Then there are the season people. They come to us and we have a longer term relationship with them. Perhaps they’re a friend, co-worker, boss or maybe even a family member. You have a deeper relationship with these people. They mean more to you and you to them. There is a stronger bond holding the two of you together. You’re like-minded and there is a balance between you. You don’t know what happens but all of a sudden for some reason, you’re no longer “friends”. For no apparent reason, no one had a fight, no one offended anyone, there is just a parting of the ways and the relationship is over. Sometimes it happens quietly and one day you realize, hey, they aren’t treating me the same, the relationship ran its’ course and it’s no longer what it was. In these instances it’s hard, sometimes, to let go. You may wonder what you did wrong. I’ve learned to not wonder. It’s just the way it is. I’ve also figured out that some people, just don’t know how to BE a friend and unfortunately, sometimes, we put more into it than they did anyway. As hard as it is, we just need to learn to let it go.
The lifetime people are the people you really love. Whether it is a friend, spouse, family member – these are the people who, when the chips are down, will be there for you no matter what because you mean the world to them, and they to you. It’s funny though. Sometimes those who you put in the lifetime category, end up in the season category. When times get tough and those that you are counting aren’t there for you, that kind of makes it hard to maintain that lifetime thing when you KNOW you’ve been there for them. The letting go of these types of relationships is the hardest. We were counting on these people and really believed with our entire heart and soul that we mattered to them as much as they matter to us. However, there are times, when that is not the case.
We all have reason, season and lifetime people in our lives. I’ve seen reason people turn into season people and then become lifetime people. I, also quite familiar with lifetime people becoming reason or season people. Keep in mind, DNA does not a family make and FAMILY does not necessarily mean LIFETIME people.
It’s hard to say good bye and it’s hard to let go. If we remember to be grateful for the time we’ve had, be aware of the gift they brought and the one you gave back, and by gift I don’t mean it’s always easy and nice. It can be the gift of learning a lesson in a very hard way. We must realize that where we are, RIGHT NOW is where we are meant to be, in every relationship.
If we remember that, it makes moving forward to the future and letting go of the present a whole lot easier.
Intending we are all able to let go more easily and move forward in love and gratitude.
The reason people are those are that you meet and click with, who help you out or whom you help out and then you’re done. Could be the clerk at the store, or another parent at the PTO Meeting, or maybe it’s someone you don’t even meet in person but rather speak to on the phone or via e-mail. Whatever it is, this is the most common person who enters your life. Short relationship or long relationship, they’re in your life to either make a connection or an assist. Maybe it’s for a period of 10 years but you’re not really friends, you just see each other or speak about something specific – ‘the reason’ that you met and have a relationship at all.
Then there are the season people. They come to us and we have a longer term relationship with them. Perhaps they’re a friend, co-worker, boss or maybe even a family member. You have a deeper relationship with these people. They mean more to you and you to them. There is a stronger bond holding the two of you together. You’re like-minded and there is a balance between you. You don’t know what happens but all of a sudden for some reason, you’re no longer “friends”. For no apparent reason, no one had a fight, no one offended anyone, there is just a parting of the ways and the relationship is over. Sometimes it happens quietly and one day you realize, hey, they aren’t treating me the same, the relationship ran its’ course and it’s no longer what it was. In these instances it’s hard, sometimes, to let go. You may wonder what you did wrong. I’ve learned to not wonder. It’s just the way it is. I’ve also figured out that some people, just don’t know how to BE a friend and unfortunately, sometimes, we put more into it than they did anyway. As hard as it is, we just need to learn to let it go.
The lifetime people are the people you really love. Whether it is a friend, spouse, family member – these are the people who, when the chips are down, will be there for you no matter what because you mean the world to them, and they to you. It’s funny though. Sometimes those who you put in the lifetime category, end up in the season category. When times get tough and those that you are counting aren’t there for you, that kind of makes it hard to maintain that lifetime thing when you KNOW you’ve been there for them. The letting go of these types of relationships is the hardest. We were counting on these people and really believed with our entire heart and soul that we mattered to them as much as they matter to us. However, there are times, when that is not the case.
We all have reason, season and lifetime people in our lives. I’ve seen reason people turn into season people and then become lifetime people. I, also quite familiar with lifetime people becoming reason or season people. Keep in mind, DNA does not a family make and FAMILY does not necessarily mean LIFETIME people.
It’s hard to say good bye and it’s hard to let go. If we remember to be grateful for the time we’ve had, be aware of the gift they brought and the one you gave back, and by gift I don’t mean it’s always easy and nice. It can be the gift of learning a lesson in a very hard way. We must realize that where we are, RIGHT NOW is where we are meant to be, in every relationship.
If we remember that, it makes moving forward to the future and letting go of the present a whole lot easier.
Intending we are all able to let go more easily and move forward in love and gratitude.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Women Healing Women
It’s not often that a book comes along that is not considered a self-help book that I believe will make for a good radio program. I read a book a week for my weekly one hour radio talk show Energy Awareness and usually, it’s more along the lines of The Law of Attraction, How to Achieve Happiness, Being Grateful, etc. It takes time to read the books and develop the interview questions in preparation for each show and I have a private Reiki/Sound Therapy practice that is actually my life’s work. That doesn’t leave me a lot of time for ‘leisure’ reading.
However, when I came upon Women Healing Women, by Dr. William Keepin and Cynthia Brix, I felt it was something that needed to be discussed. Okay, you won’t find it on the self-help aisle, but the lessons that can be learned from this book are innumerable: acceptance, caring, kindness, forgiveness, gratitude, joy, love, life transformation and yes, what it means to be charitable and giving.
I am amazed by the way the authors write the stories of the women of India, the horrors of their lives and yet, at the same time, teach the reader that in this thing we do that we call life, we can all make a difference and we can indeed all get along.
I don’t want to give too much away so I’m not going to summarize the stories here. It’s a great book that is both inspiring and eye opening. You’re heart will open up and the love that you feel will envelope your very soul. Self-help or not, this is an important compilation of stories that cannot help but make you feel gratitude for yourself and your circumstances while making you aware and conscious of those things that we sometimes turn our back on because, hey, if it isn’t in my own backyard, I don’t need to deal with it, right?
Well, the irony is – the stories actually do depict things that are happening right here, right now, in our own backyards. We just need to be aware, recognize and help as much as we can.
If you weren’t able to listen to the live broadcast, take the time to go to www.blogtalkradio/energyawareness and select the October 28th show, Women Healing Women. Based on the reviews I received, I think you’ll agree that it is both a moving and powerful book.
As Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
However, when I came upon Women Healing Women, by Dr. William Keepin and Cynthia Brix, I felt it was something that needed to be discussed. Okay, you won’t find it on the self-help aisle, but the lessons that can be learned from this book are innumerable: acceptance, caring, kindness, forgiveness, gratitude, joy, love, life transformation and yes, what it means to be charitable and giving.
I am amazed by the way the authors write the stories of the women of India, the horrors of their lives and yet, at the same time, teach the reader that in this thing we do that we call life, we can all make a difference and we can indeed all get along.
I don’t want to give too much away so I’m not going to summarize the stories here. It’s a great book that is both inspiring and eye opening. You’re heart will open up and the love that you feel will envelope your very soul. Self-help or not, this is an important compilation of stories that cannot help but make you feel gratitude for yourself and your circumstances while making you aware and conscious of those things that we sometimes turn our back on because, hey, if it isn’t in my own backyard, I don’t need to deal with it, right?
Well, the irony is – the stories actually do depict things that are happening right here, right now, in our own backyards. We just need to be aware, recognize and help as much as we can.
If you weren’t able to listen to the live broadcast, take the time to go to www.blogtalkradio/energyawareness and select the October 28th show, Women Healing Women. Based on the reviews I received, I think you’ll agree that it is both a moving and powerful book.
As Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Crystal Bowl Concerts
As part of my work as a Reiki Master and Sound Therapist, I provide crystal bowl concerts on a regular basis. The music is very healing and the energy from large groups of people always flows differently making each concert totally unique, offering new experiences to all those attending. It doesn’t seem to matter whether it is someone’s first concert or they are a crystal bowl “groupie”, they quickly find themselves lulled into a meditative healing state that is sometimes hard for them to express in words.
Concerts allow me, as the provider, an opportunity to explain what the bowls do as well as why and how they work on the human body the way they do. The comments I receive from people following a concert always amaze me. I know that these bowls are powerful healing instruments that work wonders – their comments always confirm that knowing.
This year, I decided I wanted to do something a bit different. I wanted to have concerts outside, in a serene, natural setting. So I scheduled one.
The first was on a Sunday afternoon, lakeside, in full sunshine where the temperatures exceeded 85°. Although it was quite a hot summer day, we had experienced many rainy Sundays and welcomed the heat and sunshine wholeheartedly. The sounds of the bowls echoing off the 40 acre lake were hauntingly beautiful. By the end of the concert, everyone felt a sense of peace, they were calm, free from stress and totally relaxed. It’s wonderful that such beautiful sounds can transform a person in such extreme ways.
Now that I had done that, I wanted to do more. So this past Sunday I decided the lakeside concert would be at Twilight, complete with Tiki Torches and fire pits to take the chill out of the late evening air. The atmospheric changes provided a spectacular display of light during the entire evening. After playing my bowls for the first set, everyone arose from their meditative states to a most spectacular sunset. The Universe had painted the sky in the most beautiful hues of red, pink, coral, white, yellow and blue.
As the moon began to rise and the blanket of darkness fell upon us it seemed as though the earths’ night life awakened. We could hear the rhythmic chirps from crickets and birds, the cry of a screech owl in the distance, frogs croaking and the splash from fish jumping in the lake. It was so very magical and every sound became a musical accompaniment to the subtle music of the bowls.
Those in attendance were awed by the sunset and the wonderful sounds of nature. The evening could not have been more perfect or beautiful in any way.
I am so grateful for the music of my bowls and most appreciative of those who take time to come to my concerts and receive the healing benefits they provide.
If you’ve never been to a concert, you really should make a concerted effort to attend. There are some who instantly feel a difference and tell me how drastic the effects were for them during the evening. Others don’t feel a dramatic effect but they are indeed at peace and stress free.
Whether it’s a dramatic change or just a sense of relief and relaxation, there is an instant change in energy that does take place. Thus begins the process of removing blocks and cleansing toxins from your system - physically, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually. Though all these areas are affected simultaneously, you may not feel the effects instantly, but you will know that something is different, and better, within your being.
Taking note of the subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, changes that occur during the following week allow you to really open up to the healing that you have allowed to begin by attending a quartz crystal singing bowl concert.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Concerts allow me, as the provider, an opportunity to explain what the bowls do as well as why and how they work on the human body the way they do. The comments I receive from people following a concert always amaze me. I know that these bowls are powerful healing instruments that work wonders – their comments always confirm that knowing.
This year, I decided I wanted to do something a bit different. I wanted to have concerts outside, in a serene, natural setting. So I scheduled one.
The first was on a Sunday afternoon, lakeside, in full sunshine where the temperatures exceeded 85°. Although it was quite a hot summer day, we had experienced many rainy Sundays and welcomed the heat and sunshine wholeheartedly. The sounds of the bowls echoing off the 40 acre lake were hauntingly beautiful. By the end of the concert, everyone felt a sense of peace, they were calm, free from stress and totally relaxed. It’s wonderful that such beautiful sounds can transform a person in such extreme ways.
Now that I had done that, I wanted to do more. So this past Sunday I decided the lakeside concert would be at Twilight, complete with Tiki Torches and fire pits to take the chill out of the late evening air. The atmospheric changes provided a spectacular display of light during the entire evening. After playing my bowls for the first set, everyone arose from their meditative states to a most spectacular sunset. The Universe had painted the sky in the most beautiful hues of red, pink, coral, white, yellow and blue.
As the moon began to rise and the blanket of darkness fell upon us it seemed as though the earths’ night life awakened. We could hear the rhythmic chirps from crickets and birds, the cry of a screech owl in the distance, frogs croaking and the splash from fish jumping in the lake. It was so very magical and every sound became a musical accompaniment to the subtle music of the bowls.
Those in attendance were awed by the sunset and the wonderful sounds of nature. The evening could not have been more perfect or beautiful in any way.
I am so grateful for the music of my bowls and most appreciative of those who take time to come to my concerts and receive the healing benefits they provide.
If you’ve never been to a concert, you really should make a concerted effort to attend. There are some who instantly feel a difference and tell me how drastic the effects were for them during the evening. Others don’t feel a dramatic effect but they are indeed at peace and stress free.
Whether it’s a dramatic change or just a sense of relief and relaxation, there is an instant change in energy that does take place. Thus begins the process of removing blocks and cleansing toxins from your system - physically, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually. Though all these areas are affected simultaneously, you may not feel the effects instantly, but you will know that something is different, and better, within your being.
Taking note of the subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, changes that occur during the following week allow you to really open up to the healing that you have allowed to begin by attending a quartz crystal singing bowl concert.
Photography provided by Susan Kozlowski Photography
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The Healing Power of the Pineapple
If you want to give your body a jump start on healing, you may want to incorporate pineapples into your diet.
Pineapple is a very nutritious fruit. It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and enzymes, all of which accelerate the healing process.
The enzyme, Bromelain, is not found in too many edible fruits or vegetables, but pineapple is loaded with it. It’s high in Vitamin C, a very healing antioxidant in its own right. Pineapple boosts the immune system and enhances the bodies healing mechanisms.
Powerful anti-inflammatory effects of pineapple can reduce swelling, tenderness and pain, relieve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and postoperative surgery swelling, relieve indigestion, builds and repairs body tissue, metabolizes fats and cholesterol, assists in absorbing iron, synthesizes amino acids and collagen (Collagen is a primary building block of skin, cartilage and bone. Collagen is what makes the skin look healthy and clear.), decreases severity of colds, flu and infections, destroys harmful bacteria in the stomach and intestines, reduces the risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease, it is effective in dissolving mucus, relives sore throats and bronchitis, reduces swelling from arthritis, gout, sore throat and acute sinusitis. The list goes on…..the benefits are vast.
I’ve been drinking 8 ounces of pineapple juice a day for at least 30 years. NOT the canned juice. Something happens to it during the canning process which reduces the healing qualities by 1/3 and it doesn’t taste as good, to me. I prefer the cartons of pineapple juice and the brand I really like is DOLE.
I attribute the fact that I heal so quickly, colds and flu (if and when I contract them) never last the normal amount of time, bruises disappear rapidly and when I’ve had surgery, swelling and bruising is minimal. Now, I never realized this until a dentist who performed oral surgery on me said, “You heal so fast”. He then showed me photos of other patients who were so black and blue from the same procedure, yet I had hardly a trace of bruising at all. I now know that I do heal fast. I also know it’s because of the healing properties of the pineapple juice that I drink on a daily basis.
Pineapple also contains micro-nutrients which some experts believe protect against cancer and break up blood clots too. So it’s beneficial to your heart as well. Pineapple Juice has been known to kill intestinal worms, relieve intestinal disorders and it soothes bile.
Finally, pineapple also contains chemicals that stimulate kidney function and assists in removing toxic elements from the body.
As you can see there are so very many benefits to pineapple juice. More added benefits: it also has minimal fat, low-sodium, zero cholesterol – and yet it’s still delicious.
One thing you do need to remember is that you should drink or eat pineapple between meals for optimum health benefits. If you partake along with your meal, or immediately following, all of the work that the pineapple does will be devoted to breaking down the foods you recently consumed and digesting them.
So, go ahead. Start incorporating pineapple into your diet today. You will definitely see results within just a few weeks.
Pineapple: healthy, nutritious and very tasty. It’s a great way to start your day!
Pineapple is a very nutritious fruit. It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and enzymes, all of which accelerate the healing process.
The enzyme, Bromelain, is not found in too many edible fruits or vegetables, but pineapple is loaded with it. It’s high in Vitamin C, a very healing antioxidant in its own right. Pineapple boosts the immune system and enhances the bodies healing mechanisms.
Powerful anti-inflammatory effects of pineapple can reduce swelling, tenderness and pain, relieve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and postoperative surgery swelling, relieve indigestion, builds and repairs body tissue, metabolizes fats and cholesterol, assists in absorbing iron, synthesizes amino acids and collagen (Collagen is a primary building block of skin, cartilage and bone. Collagen is what makes the skin look healthy and clear.), decreases severity of colds, flu and infections, destroys harmful bacteria in the stomach and intestines, reduces the risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease, it is effective in dissolving mucus, relives sore throats and bronchitis, reduces swelling from arthritis, gout, sore throat and acute sinusitis. The list goes on…..the benefits are vast.
I’ve been drinking 8 ounces of pineapple juice a day for at least 30 years. NOT the canned juice. Something happens to it during the canning process which reduces the healing qualities by 1/3 and it doesn’t taste as good, to me. I prefer the cartons of pineapple juice and the brand I really like is DOLE.
I attribute the fact that I heal so quickly, colds and flu (if and when I contract them) never last the normal amount of time, bruises disappear rapidly and when I’ve had surgery, swelling and bruising is minimal. Now, I never realized this until a dentist who performed oral surgery on me said, “You heal so fast”. He then showed me photos of other patients who were so black and blue from the same procedure, yet I had hardly a trace of bruising at all. I now know that I do heal fast. I also know it’s because of the healing properties of the pineapple juice that I drink on a daily basis.
Pineapple also contains micro-nutrients which some experts believe protect against cancer and break up blood clots too. So it’s beneficial to your heart as well. Pineapple Juice has been known to kill intestinal worms, relieve intestinal disorders and it soothes bile.
Finally, pineapple also contains chemicals that stimulate kidney function and assists in removing toxic elements from the body.
As you can see there are so very many benefits to pineapple juice. More added benefits: it also has minimal fat, low-sodium, zero cholesterol – and yet it’s still delicious.
One thing you do need to remember is that you should drink or eat pineapple between meals for optimum health benefits. If you partake along with your meal, or immediately following, all of the work that the pineapple does will be devoted to breaking down the foods you recently consumed and digesting them.
So, go ahead. Start incorporating pineapple into your diet today. You will definitely see results within just a few weeks.
Pineapple: healthy, nutritious and very tasty. It’s a great way to start your day!
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, June 29, 2009
A Real Team Player
I’m amazed every time I hear someone tell me how much my quartz crystal singing bowls affect them.
I don’t ever want to lose that amazement. It keeps me on my toes and lets me know that YES, indeed, I am serving a purpose and helping people along their journey as I travel along mine.
Last month however, one of my bowls amazed me more than I ever thought possible.
First, you need to know I’ve never had a crystal bowl treatment. I’ve only administered. There was, quite simply, not enough time for my instructor to give me a treatment when I was learning all I needed to so I could go forth and play the bowls for my own clients and patients.
I tell you this because I have no idea what people are talking about when they mention how loud the bowls are, or they felt tingling, or absolutely freezing cold or brutally hot. It just doesn’t register because I am listening to the bowls technically. I need to intuit which bowl is to be played next. This is not choreographed ahead of time, it can’t be. Bowl music, used for healing purposes is very specific to the individual or the energy of the audience when I’m playing in concert. I KNOW that I get the benefits of the bowls but not in the same way as the client.
Last month I spent a good portion of my time working in my yard. I have a lot of gardens to tend and they needed a lot of attention. I weeded, raked, edged, planted shrubs and perennials and then spread 24 yards of bark mulch. You can imagine how this can take a toll on ones back. It did mine. During all of this work my back went into spasm. In my infinite wisdom I gave myself a Reiki treatment. Then I went out and did some more work and when I came in, I’d Reiki myself again. This went on for a few days. I call it Reiki and Wreck. Not smart, but I wanted to get this yard work done and the only way to do it, was to play the Reiki and Wreck game.
It was my goal to get everything done before my concert on the 28th – I selected that as a goal because 5 days later I was leaving for Poland and if I accomplished the yard work, well, I’d have enough time to determine what I was packing and then actually prepare those items and pack. This would also give me peace of mind knowing all had been done before I left so when I got home, I wouldn’t be faced with a tremendous amount of work to do. It all worked out. I did accomplish all the yard work but my back was still going into spasm.
The day of the concert arrived. I carried all 17 of my bowls up an entire flight of stairs so I could wash them. Then I packed them into my car and drove them to the venue where the concert was to be held that night. I knew I needed to bring the bowls into the hall, unpack them and leave them to the side of the room so they would not be in the way of the yoga class scheduled just before the concert. I did it, all the while being very cautious with my back and taking my time carrying and unpacking my precious cargo. Some of these bowls weigh in the neighborhood of 40-50 pounds. Putting them in boxes and taking them out is not exactly easy on the back.
During the unpacking I let the bowls know, as I always do, that we were playing in concert that night. As I set the Sacral (D note) Bowl down amongst the others I said out loud, “I really wish you’d fix my back. I need to play for a long time and it’s been in spasm for a week now.” I then gathered up all of my packing material and brought it into the hall closet so it wouldn’t be in the way of the yoga students.
When I came back into the room I looked over at my bowls and noticed something odd. Please keep in mind, there was not one other person in the entire building. The door was locked when I arrived. No one entered the entire time I was there. I walked over to my bowls and there sat the 11” sacral bowl, with a pie shaped piece broken off lying on the floor next to it. I couldn’t imagine what had happened.
I picked up the bowl, and yes, hugging it and crying because it was now broken, I got the bag I made specifically for this bowl and wrapped it up. On my way home I decided I need to call Dr. Paul Hubbert, my bowl supplier. I told him I broke my first bowl and through tears stated I needed to order a new one.
I then told him how my back was feeling much better since I arrived home and there was no discomfort whatsoever, no feeling of even needing to be cautious. I had this theory. I believed the bowl took one for the team, as it were. I was amazed when he agreed with me. I thought he’d think I was crazy but not him. He’s been playing bowls a lot longer than I have and he, too, knows the power of the bowls.
My little sacral bowl took in all that negative energy, releasing the block in my lower back and broke in the process. I explained how because it is crystal I wanted to give it back to Gaia, Mother Earth, but I don’t want to bury it and I asked him if he thought it would be alright to make the bowl into a toad house. Then I explained what a toad house was – any container can be used in a garden, a broken overturned terracotta pot, as a place for toads to live. You can purchase toad houses in many garden centers too.
Dr Hubbert told me that he buries his bowls to give them back to the Earth. I just couldn’t do that. I needed to see the bowl and allow it to serve a purpose, not just be buried in my garden somewhere.
That was a month ago. Two days later I put into action a plan I had been ruminating over for quite a long while – perhaps, three years???
Since all of the gardening in the front was complete, and for the past few years it’s only been the early spring clean-up and maintenance, I wanted to do something with the back yard. I wanted a shade garden. So, on Saturday and Sunday, two days after the concert, I put my backside to good use yet again. I went out and cleared 2,700 square feet of brush which included poison ivy, woodbine vines, barberry, and every other thick rooted form of natural vegetation growing in the state of New Jersey. I was amazed that it took a total of approximately 8 hours for two people to clear that much land. We basically brush hogged the area, MANUALLY. It was exhausting.
Upon completion I went to the place where my little bowl is being stored and said out loud, “You’ll have a spot in the shade garden soon. We cleared it all in only 8 hours…..but I bet you know that already.”
Now, some may say it’s crazy to think that this little bowl took one for the team. I will disagree emphatically. I know that bowl took a huge hit for me. I know I was able to play in concert, having no spasms or discomfort whatsoever because that bowl did its job. I know that I was not only inspired to begin to work on the shade garden but I managed to get a lot of the ‘bull work’ done, without the help of any machinery and my back was fine.
I went to Poland, a long flight, had a great time and came home knowing that although I still had much to do in my shade garden to prepare the earth for this quartz crystal toad house, I also had the strength and motivation to do it. It will be complete this year. That bowl will have its place in the earth, back to nature while serving as a safe haven for some creature, toad or otherwise, and I will be able to see it in all its glory each and every day.
The pie shaped piece that fell out. Well, that balances very well and if you set a candle on it, it remains stable. I now have new candle holder in my Reiki room. Every part of that bowl will continue to go on and serve a wonderful purpose.
As for me, well, my back has been fine and continues to be functioning very well since this incident. I’ve continued to work in the garden, pulling up more roots and stumps that can now easily be seen since the brush was removed one month ago.
I know that I will be able to continue to be amazed with all that my bowls do for everyone who has the opportunity to hear the gift of their sound.
I also know that I am NOT the one who brings forth the healing. I know that it is in the music of the bowls, the energy of the Reiki and the intentions set forth each and every time I play that allows healing to occur.
I KNOW, I have been fortunate enough to be a recipient of this amazing healing energy myself and I have faith that my bowls will continue to bring forth glorious sounds that will allow healing to others as well.
I don’t ever want to lose that amazement. It keeps me on my toes and lets me know that YES, indeed, I am serving a purpose and helping people along their journey as I travel along mine.
Last month however, one of my bowls amazed me more than I ever thought possible.
First, you need to know I’ve never had a crystal bowl treatment. I’ve only administered. There was, quite simply, not enough time for my instructor to give me a treatment when I was learning all I needed to so I could go forth and play the bowls for my own clients and patients.
I tell you this because I have no idea what people are talking about when they mention how loud the bowls are, or they felt tingling, or absolutely freezing cold or brutally hot. It just doesn’t register because I am listening to the bowls technically. I need to intuit which bowl is to be played next. This is not choreographed ahead of time, it can’t be. Bowl music, used for healing purposes is very specific to the individual or the energy of the audience when I’m playing in concert. I KNOW that I get the benefits of the bowls but not in the same way as the client.
Last month I spent a good portion of my time working in my yard. I have a lot of gardens to tend and they needed a lot of attention. I weeded, raked, edged, planted shrubs and perennials and then spread 24 yards of bark mulch. You can imagine how this can take a toll on ones back. It did mine. During all of this work my back went into spasm. In my infinite wisdom I gave myself a Reiki treatment. Then I went out and did some more work and when I came in, I’d Reiki myself again. This went on for a few days. I call it Reiki and Wreck. Not smart, but I wanted to get this yard work done and the only way to do it, was to play the Reiki and Wreck game.
It was my goal to get everything done before my concert on the 28th – I selected that as a goal because 5 days later I was leaving for Poland and if I accomplished the yard work, well, I’d have enough time to determine what I was packing and then actually prepare those items and pack. This would also give me peace of mind knowing all had been done before I left so when I got home, I wouldn’t be faced with a tremendous amount of work to do. It all worked out. I did accomplish all the yard work but my back was still going into spasm.
The day of the concert arrived. I carried all 17 of my bowls up an entire flight of stairs so I could wash them. Then I packed them into my car and drove them to the venue where the concert was to be held that night. I knew I needed to bring the bowls into the hall, unpack them and leave them to the side of the room so they would not be in the way of the yoga class scheduled just before the concert. I did it, all the while being very cautious with my back and taking my time carrying and unpacking my precious cargo. Some of these bowls weigh in the neighborhood of 40-50 pounds. Putting them in boxes and taking them out is not exactly easy on the back.
During the unpacking I let the bowls know, as I always do, that we were playing in concert that night. As I set the Sacral (D note) Bowl down amongst the others I said out loud, “I really wish you’d fix my back. I need to play for a long time and it’s been in spasm for a week now.” I then gathered up all of my packing material and brought it into the hall closet so it wouldn’t be in the way of the yoga students.
When I came back into the room I looked over at my bowls and noticed something odd. Please keep in mind, there was not one other person in the entire building. The door was locked when I arrived. No one entered the entire time I was there. I walked over to my bowls and there sat the 11” sacral bowl, with a pie shaped piece broken off lying on the floor next to it. I couldn’t imagine what had happened.
I picked up the bowl, and yes, hugging it and crying because it was now broken, I got the bag I made specifically for this bowl and wrapped it up. On my way home I decided I need to call Dr. Paul Hubbert, my bowl supplier. I told him I broke my first bowl and through tears stated I needed to order a new one.
I then told him how my back was feeling much better since I arrived home and there was no discomfort whatsoever, no feeling of even needing to be cautious. I had this theory. I believed the bowl took one for the team, as it were. I was amazed when he agreed with me. I thought he’d think I was crazy but not him. He’s been playing bowls a lot longer than I have and he, too, knows the power of the bowls.
My little sacral bowl took in all that negative energy, releasing the block in my lower back and broke in the process. I explained how because it is crystal I wanted to give it back to Gaia, Mother Earth, but I don’t want to bury it and I asked him if he thought it would be alright to make the bowl into a toad house. Then I explained what a toad house was – any container can be used in a garden, a broken overturned terracotta pot, as a place for toads to live. You can purchase toad houses in many garden centers too.
Dr Hubbert told me that he buries his bowls to give them back to the Earth. I just couldn’t do that. I needed to see the bowl and allow it to serve a purpose, not just be buried in my garden somewhere.
That was a month ago. Two days later I put into action a plan I had been ruminating over for quite a long while – perhaps, three years???
Since all of the gardening in the front was complete, and for the past few years it’s only been the early spring clean-up and maintenance, I wanted to do something with the back yard. I wanted a shade garden. So, on Saturday and Sunday, two days after the concert, I put my backside to good use yet again. I went out and cleared 2,700 square feet of brush which included poison ivy, woodbine vines, barberry, and every other thick rooted form of natural vegetation growing in the state of New Jersey. I was amazed that it took a total of approximately 8 hours for two people to clear that much land. We basically brush hogged the area, MANUALLY. It was exhausting.
Upon completion I went to the place where my little bowl is being stored and said out loud, “You’ll have a spot in the shade garden soon. We cleared it all in only 8 hours…..but I bet you know that already.”
Now, some may say it’s crazy to think that this little bowl took one for the team. I will disagree emphatically. I know that bowl took a huge hit for me. I know I was able to play in concert, having no spasms or discomfort whatsoever because that bowl did its job. I know that I was not only inspired to begin to work on the shade garden but I managed to get a lot of the ‘bull work’ done, without the help of any machinery and my back was fine.
I went to Poland, a long flight, had a great time and came home knowing that although I still had much to do in my shade garden to prepare the earth for this quartz crystal toad house, I also had the strength and motivation to do it. It will be complete this year. That bowl will have its place in the earth, back to nature while serving as a safe haven for some creature, toad or otherwise, and I will be able to see it in all its glory each and every day.
The pie shaped piece that fell out. Well, that balances very well and if you set a candle on it, it remains stable. I now have new candle holder in my Reiki room. Every part of that bowl will continue to go on and serve a wonderful purpose.
As for me, well, my back has been fine and continues to be functioning very well since this incident. I’ve continued to work in the garden, pulling up more roots and stumps that can now easily be seen since the brush was removed one month ago.
I know that I will be able to continue to be amazed with all that my bowls do for everyone who has the opportunity to hear the gift of their sound.
I also know that I am NOT the one who brings forth the healing. I know that it is in the music of the bowls, the energy of the Reiki and the intentions set forth each and every time I play that allows healing to occur.
I KNOW, I have been fortunate enough to be a recipient of this amazing healing energy myself and I have faith that my bowls will continue to bring forth glorious sounds that will allow healing to others as well.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Energy Awareness Radio - June 24 Show
Tammy Mastroberte, founder, publisher and editorial director of Elevated Existence Magazine was the guest on Energy Awareness www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness on Wednesday, June 24th.
June 2009 marks the first anniversary of the magazine and what a year it has been!
Tammy is definitely in line with her life’s purpose.
Spiritual leaders have graced every cover: Deepak Chopra, Joe Vitale, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Russell Simmons and this issue Judith Orloff.
The anniversary issue features Dr. Orloff, an intuitive psychiatrist as she explains how working with emotions can lead to soul growth and transformation on the path to spiritual awakening.
Topics include Whole Foods, Meditation, Building A Spiritual Vision Board, Self Esteem, Communicating with Spirit, Essential Oils, New Ideas, DVD’s, CD’s, Books and products.
It’s a great issue and the show provides a preview of what you’ll read in it and learn from it.
To listen to this show, or any of the archived shows, go to www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness
To subscribe to Elevated Existence Magazine go to http://www.elevatedexistence.com/
At only $10 a year, this is a terrific value!!!
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
June 2009 marks the first anniversary of the magazine and what a year it has been!
Tammy is definitely in line with her life’s purpose.
Spiritual leaders have graced every cover: Deepak Chopra, Joe Vitale, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Russell Simmons and this issue Judith Orloff.
The anniversary issue features Dr. Orloff, an intuitive psychiatrist as she explains how working with emotions can lead to soul growth and transformation on the path to spiritual awakening.
Topics include Whole Foods, Meditation, Building A Spiritual Vision Board, Self Esteem, Communicating with Spirit, Essential Oils, New Ideas, DVD’s, CD’s, Books and products.
It’s a great issue and the show provides a preview of what you’ll read in it and learn from it.
To listen to this show, or any of the archived shows, go to www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness
To subscribe to Elevated Existence Magazine go to http://www.elevatedexistence.com/
At only $10 a year, this is a terrific value!!!
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Third – Reiki is Directed by human thought and will
I don’t know where this one came from. I have to wonder if the Bishops read anything at all about Reiki before they wrote their statement.
One of the first things you learn is that Reiki cannot be directed. I cannot direct Reiki to a specific part of the body. No one can. I do not, nor does any other practitioner, direct Reiki. Reiki goes where it needs to go. When you are administering Reiki, you can feel the energy coming through you and you can feel it dissipate. That’s your indicator to move to a different part of the body. You are directed by the energy as to which points in the body require the Reiki.
Example: A gentleman came in with a migraine. I, of course, went to administer Reiki to his head. But the energy was not really needed there, I could feel it. I continued the treatment and when I reached his solar plexus, ah, this is where energy is significantly flowing. He’s holding something in, was my thought. When I finished the treatment I asked him if he was having any issues with his boss, wife or children. He told me he and his wife had been fighting for over a week. Well, there’s your migraine. I told him that was the problem, he was holding back and it was eating him up inside and resulting in a migraine. The migraine was indeed gone after the treatment but when he asked me what he should do I had to tell him, “you can either stop and get flowers and say you’re sorry, someone has to cry Uncle, or, you can continue to come here every few days and I’ll administer Reiki and you’ll leave without a migraine. It’s your call.” The problem with the latter is that it’s more expensive than the flowers, but easier than the apology. He got the flowers. I now see him every few weeks for maintenance.This example is perfect because it clearly shows that I wanted to get rid of his migraine by treating his migraine at his head when in fact, it stemmed from another source which is where Reiki KNEW the energy needed to be administered.
Remember, as practitioners, we are only conduits – that’s it. We’re not healing anyone – we are the conduits for the energy to come through which allows the healing to take place in the clients body. Our bodies know how to heal. It’s just that when there’s a block, our bodies need a little assistance. Which is what Reiki does, it assists in releasing blocks thus allowing the healing to begin.
In all the years I’ve been administering Reiki, I have never been able to tell Reiki where to go. Reiki directs me no matter what I may want, will, desire or think.
Fourth – Reiki is Not Validated by Scientific Studies
Seriously? Are you kidding me?
Hey, how about that National Institute of Health? Have you gentleman ever heard of them? They’re located in Washington, DC and all of our tax dollars pay for the clinical trials that they support.
This one is so blatantly easy to verify, I think a monkey could have done it. I’m not talking about a trained monkey either. I’m talking about your run of the mill, everyday, average monkey. But I digress.
The NIH has conducted a myriad of studies on the use of Reiki (go to www.tlovereiki.com and click on clinical trials) which have proven its efficacy over and over and over and over again.
There’s no need to go on with this one. It’s way too easy.
Fifth – Reiki is Not Accepted by the Medical Community
Those clinical trials I just mentioned? Yes, the ones that those average, everyday, untrained monkeys can verify? Well they are the reason that highly-regarded, extremely reputable hospitals across this great country of ours, as well as around the planet, have Reiki Practitioners/Masters administering Reiki to patients on a daily basis. The short list: Columbia-Presbyterian, NY; Brigham & Womens, MA; Memorial Sloan Kettering, NY; Morristown Hospital, NJ; California Pacific Medical Center, CA; Yale New Haven Children's Hospital, CT; Tucson Medical Center, AZ - to name a few.
I don’t know where this one came from. I have to wonder if the Bishops read anything at all about Reiki before they wrote their statement.
One of the first things you learn is that Reiki cannot be directed. I cannot direct Reiki to a specific part of the body. No one can. I do not, nor does any other practitioner, direct Reiki. Reiki goes where it needs to go. When you are administering Reiki, you can feel the energy coming through you and you can feel it dissipate. That’s your indicator to move to a different part of the body. You are directed by the energy as to which points in the body require the Reiki.
Example: A gentleman came in with a migraine. I, of course, went to administer Reiki to his head. But the energy was not really needed there, I could feel it. I continued the treatment and when I reached his solar plexus, ah, this is where energy is significantly flowing. He’s holding something in, was my thought. When I finished the treatment I asked him if he was having any issues with his boss, wife or children. He told me he and his wife had been fighting for over a week. Well, there’s your migraine. I told him that was the problem, he was holding back and it was eating him up inside and resulting in a migraine. The migraine was indeed gone after the treatment but when he asked me what he should do I had to tell him, “you can either stop and get flowers and say you’re sorry, someone has to cry Uncle, or, you can continue to come here every few days and I’ll administer Reiki and you’ll leave without a migraine. It’s your call.” The problem with the latter is that it’s more expensive than the flowers, but easier than the apology. He got the flowers. I now see him every few weeks for maintenance.This example is perfect because it clearly shows that I wanted to get rid of his migraine by treating his migraine at his head when in fact, it stemmed from another source which is where Reiki KNEW the energy needed to be administered.
Remember, as practitioners, we are only conduits – that’s it. We’re not healing anyone – we are the conduits for the energy to come through which allows the healing to take place in the clients body. Our bodies know how to heal. It’s just that when there’s a block, our bodies need a little assistance. Which is what Reiki does, it assists in releasing blocks thus allowing the healing to begin.
In all the years I’ve been administering Reiki, I have never been able to tell Reiki where to go. Reiki directs me no matter what I may want, will, desire or think.
Fourth – Reiki is Not Validated by Scientific Studies
Seriously? Are you kidding me?
Hey, how about that National Institute of Health? Have you gentleman ever heard of them? They’re located in Washington, DC and all of our tax dollars pay for the clinical trials that they support.
This one is so blatantly easy to verify, I think a monkey could have done it. I’m not talking about a trained monkey either. I’m talking about your run of the mill, everyday, average monkey. But I digress.
The NIH has conducted a myriad of studies on the use of Reiki (go to www.tlovereiki.com and click on clinical trials) which have proven its efficacy over and over and over and over again.
There’s no need to go on with this one. It’s way too easy.
Fifth – Reiki is Not Accepted by the Medical Community
Those clinical trials I just mentioned? Yes, the ones that those average, everyday, untrained monkeys can verify? Well they are the reason that highly-regarded, extremely reputable hospitals across this great country of ours, as well as around the planet, have Reiki Practitioners/Masters administering Reiki to patients on a daily basis. The short list: Columbia-Presbyterian, NY; Brigham & Womens, MA; Memorial Sloan Kettering, NY; Morristown Hospital, NJ; California Pacific Medical Center, CA; Yale New Haven Children's Hospital, CT; Tucson Medical Center, AZ - to name a few.
As a matter of fact, Dr. Mehmet Oz, you know him? He’s on Oprah’s show a lot and he’s going to be hosting his own show this fall. Well, he just happens to be one of the most well respected cardiovascular surgeons in the United States AND he’s married to a Reiki Master. He also brings Reiki Master, Julie Motz, into his OR during open-heart surgeries at Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in New York. If you’ve never heard of that hospital, it really has quite a good reputation.
The New York Times Magazine did an investigative report on Dr. Oz’s surgeries with and without Reiki. In their investigation they found that when Reiki was administered during his surgery his patients had none of the usual leg pain or weakness after the surgery, they did not have the usual post-operative depression and the heart transplant patients did not experience organ rejection. Dr. Oz has stated himself, “Reiki has become a sought-after healing art among patients and mainstream medical professionals.”
I would like to suggest a book to the committee. You really should read Julie Motz’ book: Hands of Life – in it you’ll find a lot of accurate information about the medical community and Reiki – you know, how it’s accepted and she’s allowed in the operating room. I’m guessing if it wasn’t something that was “REAL” – she wouldn’t be doing that. They don’t just let people go into the OR for fun – everyone in there has a specific job to do. Julie’s job: administer Reiki.
As a small aside: The American Cancer Society recommends Reiki to Cancer patients and regards Reiki as a safe and complimentary treatment to cancer treatments. That kind of speaks loudly too, but I’m guessing the Bishops would have known that had they done their research.
Sixth – Reiki Has No Scientific Explanation
This truly does bode the question: What planet do you live on?
Now, you can’t tell me the Bishops are uneducated. Okay, maybe they’re not physicists but they were doing this research and once they read what Reiki was all about they should have realized it has a basis in both physics and biology.
Before I became attuned to Reiki I wanted to know if there was any scientific basis for this thing called Reiki myself. I didn’t want to get involved in something that had no credible basis. So I asked myself, what is Reiki? It’s energy. I get that, but, if I take a class to learn Reiki, they’ll attune me, but they won’t give me the science behind it which is what I need to know. It then dawned on me that I needed to take a course to help me understand energy. What type of class does one take to learn about energy? The answer is physics. That was not what I wanted to take but, take a few classes, I did. Those classes are what sold me on Reiki.
The science behind Reiki is indeed based on scientific studies and facts. A conventional scientist, Dr. James Oschman, Ph.D., who became interested in the practice of energy medicine, developed a testable hypothesis after he discovered a number of important scientific studies that point to a scientific basis for energy medicine based on the laws of physics and biology. You can read about his findings in an interview that was published in the Winter 2002 issue of Reiki News Magazine, entitled, “Science and the Human Energy Field”. Oh, and note the year, WELL before the committee met to do their research. Should have been able to find this pretty easily – it’s not a secret magazine.
Reiki is recognized across the globe by the medical community as an integrative safe and complimentary therapy to conventional and holistic therapies.
Reiki is not based on any religion.
Reiki does indeed have a scientific base and there are a lot of clinical trials, sanctioned by the NIH where the efficacy has been proven consistently.
Reiki is not harmful and it is always for the highest healing good of the client whether human or animal.
Keep in mind, every religion has their own rules and can continue to change their rules as they see fit. That’s their option.
We must not forget that free will, freedom of choice and the ability to think and make decisions is the God given right of each and every one us on this planet. It’s up to each of us to make our own decisions as to what we choose to believe, support and practice.
However, it is indeed the OBLIGATION of those who mandate laws and dictate rules, to do so, based on research that is, at the very least, accurate.
It’s really pretty easy.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, May 18, 2009
A statement issued by The Committee on Doctrine, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops titled: “Guidelines for Evaluating Reiki as Alternative Therapy” advises against the use of Reiki at Catholic hospitals, health care facilities, and by Catholic chaplains.
I found the report both very interesting and the research extremely inaccurate.
But before I get into that let me tell you I was brought up Catholic. In my 20’s I chose not to continue to follow the Catholic religion for sooooo many reasons. I know I am not alone. There are many “recovering” Catholics out there. My main reason was, in order to be a Catholic, you have to ACCEPT all of the rules, without doubt or question, or you may be excommunicated. That’s fine. I don’t choose to belong to a group where my opinion does not matter and where I have no voice at all. I have a brain that I use to make up my own mind and I have opinions and beliefs about certain things that go against those of the Catholic Church. Now, I’m not really sure what an excommunication ceremony is like, or if there even is one, I just knew I wanted no part of this religion that clearly was not going to work for me, so I left on my own.
Now, I know a whole lot of people who are “Catholic”. With that said however, I also know a whole lot who choose those parts that they believe in and leave the rest behind. This is where I have a problem. Religion is not like insurance. There is no cafeteria plan. You take it all, or you leave it. Personally, I don’t believe if you are taking birth control or you are Pro-Choice, as I am, you can really call yourself a Catholic when you know, full well, the Catholic Church is adamantly against birth control, other than the rhythm method and they are most definitely Pro-Life. That’s a real biggie in Catholicism. It’s not negotiable. If you don’t buy into that “rule” how can you say you are a Catholic? You can’t. I should say, I can’t, many do.
Now you know where I stand. I’m not a Catholic, even though I received 5 of the 7 sacraments, because I don’t agree with all the rules and I made a conscious choice not to be a religious hypocrite. It was pretty clear cut for me.
Now, in this, the 21st century, the U.S. Catholic Bishops got together and issued a statement against the use of Reiki. After several months of research, via the internet and some Reiki books they read, they concluded it has a religious basis because the information came from Buddhist texts. They also stated that Reiki healing energy is directed by human thought and will, that there are no scientific studies or scientific explanation to support the efficacy of Reiki and that Reiki is not accepted by the medical community.
If you’ve visited my site, www.tlovereiki.com you can imagine how shocking it was for me to read their statement.
Let’s take this one issue at a time, this will mean more than one blog, so bear with me.
I found the report both very interesting and the research extremely inaccurate.
But before I get into that let me tell you I was brought up Catholic. In my 20’s I chose not to continue to follow the Catholic religion for sooooo many reasons. I know I am not alone. There are many “recovering” Catholics out there. My main reason was, in order to be a Catholic, you have to ACCEPT all of the rules, without doubt or question, or you may be excommunicated. That’s fine. I don’t choose to belong to a group where my opinion does not matter and where I have no voice at all. I have a brain that I use to make up my own mind and I have opinions and beliefs about certain things that go against those of the Catholic Church. Now, I’m not really sure what an excommunication ceremony is like, or if there even is one, I just knew I wanted no part of this religion that clearly was not going to work for me, so I left on my own.
Now, I know a whole lot of people who are “Catholic”. With that said however, I also know a whole lot who choose those parts that they believe in and leave the rest behind. This is where I have a problem. Religion is not like insurance. There is no cafeteria plan. You take it all, or you leave it. Personally, I don’t believe if you are taking birth control or you are Pro-Choice, as I am, you can really call yourself a Catholic when you know, full well, the Catholic Church is adamantly against birth control, other than the rhythm method and they are most definitely Pro-Life. That’s a real biggie in Catholicism. It’s not negotiable. If you don’t buy into that “rule” how can you say you are a Catholic? You can’t. I should say, I can’t, many do.
Now you know where I stand. I’m not a Catholic, even though I received 5 of the 7 sacraments, because I don’t agree with all the rules and I made a conscious choice not to be a religious hypocrite. It was pretty clear cut for me.
Now, in this, the 21st century, the U.S. Catholic Bishops got together and issued a statement against the use of Reiki. After several months of research, via the internet and some Reiki books they read, they concluded it has a religious basis because the information came from Buddhist texts. They also stated that Reiki healing energy is directed by human thought and will, that there are no scientific studies or scientific explanation to support the efficacy of Reiki and that Reiki is not accepted by the medical community.
If you’ve visited my site, www.tlovereiki.com you can imagine how shocking it was for me to read their statement.
Let’s take this one issue at a time, this will mean more than one blog, so bear with me.
Today I’ll deal with the first two issues only.
First of all, it took several MONTHS of research?
I’m thinking it should have taken a lot longer, and it would have had they used reliable sources. You can’t believe everything you read on the internet. Anyone can build a website and fill it with whatever information they want. You really need to be sure your selection criteria is from reliable and reputable sources. Particularly with Reiki websites which have consistently been full of inaccurate information that has then been used as the basis for books. Sad but true. Every industry has its problems. Reiki is no exception. The quality of the information disseminated is crucial in any study or research that is conducted, particularly since it is then to be used as “gospel” – pun intended. It’s best to go to those sources that are known for their reliability such as the International Association of Reiki Practitioners,The International Center for Reiki Training or The Reiki Alliance.
Better yet, if the Bishops had gone to Japan, where Reiki originated, and interviewed those experts who have researched the history and practice of Reiki professionally, by conducting research in Japan, reading original documents, and interviewing members of the founding Reiki organization in Japan they would have learned that there is an immense amount of inaccurate information published on Reiki. Then they would have discovered they had actually obtained both accurate and verifiable information on which to base their conclusions. This would have been a much better, solid, more accurate way to go.
Second – Reiki is Buddhist based. WOW!
Nothing could be further from the truth.
There is a story told by Mrs. Takata, who brought Reiki to the West, stating that Mikao Usui, founder of Reiki, discovered the secret of Reiki in some Buddhist texts. This is not true. Unfortunately it’s been told so many times on-line, in Reiki classes and books that it's become what some consider the facts. At the time, Mrs. Takata was the only source for information and since she was bringing it here to pass it along, everything she said was accepted, no questions asked. Due to language, cultural and political barriers in Japan, it was difficult to do any research at the source for anyone who wanted to further investigate where Reiki originated from and how. It’s only been recently that a handful of researchers were able to break the barriers and learn more about the origin of Reiki.
By translating the story of Reiki that is inscribed on Mikao Usui’s grave stone, and discovering an original document that he wrote himself about the origin of Reiki, researchers got to the truth about the origin of Reiki. Dr. Usui was not looking for a new way to heal at all, the ability to heal came to him, spontaneously, during a spiritual experience on a sacred mountain. He wrote a book called Reiki Ryoho Hikkei (Reiki Healing Art Handbook) and in it he states that “My Usui Reiki Ryoho (healing art) is original, never before explored, and incomparable in the world.” Clearly, Reiki did not come from Buddhist texts and it is NOT tied to any religion at all. There are also Japanese Reiki Masters who are quite familiar with Buddhism and they also find nothing about Reiki withhin the Buddhist religion. They have also gone so far as to say Reiki is religiously neutral. They are not taking credit, if you will, for Reiki being based on Buddhism, because it is not and they do not see any other religious basis in Reiki either. As a side note, I know a lot of Reiki Practitioners, from so many different religions, some of whom are devout in their religious beliefs and have strong faith in the ability of Reiki. If Reiki did have a religious base, someone would be claiming “the rights” to being the origin of the practice I’m quite sure.
I’ll deal with the scientific basis of Reiki as well as the clinical trials that support its efficacy in the next blog.
In the meantime, know that Reiki never harms or hurts, and it only works toward the highest healing good of the client or patient.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Pavng it Forward
This past week my guest on Energy Awareness was Elisabeth Fayt, author, international speaker, law of attraction coach, Reiki Master and entrepreneur. We talked about her book, Paving it Forward and how each and every thought creates your life and what you need to do to consciously create the life you want, a life of passion and purpose.
There was so much information on how you can create the life you want, starting right now, at this very moment by what are called pre-paves, it would not be fair for me to write about them. I would not do Elisabeth justice and I really believe you need to hear it straight from her, the passion and the power of her beliefs as well as the easy way she describes what we all need to do to accomplish our goals easily cannot be described well enough by me in a blog.
The lively discussion, which is loaded with information and received by listeners so very positively, can still be heard on the podcast. If you missed this show – don’t hesitate to click on the blogtalkradio widget to the right of this blog. You’ll be glad you did!
There was so much information on how you can create the life you want, starting right now, at this very moment by what are called pre-paves, it would not be fair for me to write about them. I would not do Elisabeth justice and I really believe you need to hear it straight from her, the passion and the power of her beliefs as well as the easy way she describes what we all need to do to accomplish our goals easily cannot be described well enough by me in a blog.
The lively discussion, which is loaded with information and received by listeners so very positively, can still be heard on the podcast. If you missed this show – don’t hesitate to click on the blogtalkradio widget to the right of this blog. You’ll be glad you did!
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Living in The Land of If Only
If you didn’t catch the live show this week, you really need to download it and listen to it.
Author, comedian and motivational speaker, Kelly Swanson, joined me in a lively discussion about “Living in The Land of If Only” which is an excerpt from her book, “Who Hijacked My Fairytale”.
I think the name alone gives us a very good idea as to where this book is headed. I would venture to say women ‘get it’, more so than men. We were brought up reading the fairytales and then we bought into them and then, to make matters worse, we actually believed those written words. Alas, we find out life is not a fairy tale, it doesn’t happen that way at all and there is no “happily ever after” – well not in the way it was told to us anyway. We find ourselves saying; “Hey, what happened?” but Kelly Swanson’s words say it best – “Who Hijacked My Fairytale”. This is a must read for anyone whose wondering why things are not going as they should. Of course, we really do know that things are going exactly as they should, we made these choices, we're just not really pleased with our selections some of the time. I guess it would be a bit fairer to say this book is for anyone who is, well, ALIVE. You need to read this book if you don't want to live the horror of the hijack that pretty much takes you by complete surprise. This book will gie you a heads up on that which most of us don’t see coming.
Author, comedian and motivational speaker, Kelly Swanson, joined me in a lively discussion about “Living in The Land of If Only” which is an excerpt from her book, “Who Hijacked My Fairytale”.
I think the name alone gives us a very good idea as to where this book is headed. I would venture to say women ‘get it’, more so than men. We were brought up reading the fairytales and then we bought into them and then, to make matters worse, we actually believed those written words. Alas, we find out life is not a fairy tale, it doesn’t happen that way at all and there is no “happily ever after” – well not in the way it was told to us anyway. We find ourselves saying; “Hey, what happened?” but Kelly Swanson’s words say it best – “Who Hijacked My Fairytale”. This is a must read for anyone whose wondering why things are not going as they should. Of course, we really do know that things are going exactly as they should, we made these choices, we're just not really pleased with our selections some of the time. I guess it would be a bit fairer to say this book is for anyone who is, well, ALIVE. You need to read this book if you don't want to live the horror of the hijack that pretty much takes you by complete surprise. This book will gie you a heads up on that which most of us don’t see coming.
This book is funny. It’s both entertaining and encouraging and Kelly motivates with her own truths and shows us how they apply to each of our own lives. Every “chapter” is a myth that’s debunked by her clever storytelling of real life events. Myth #2: I’m entitled to a Happy Ending (No, actually you’re not), Myth #14: Just Wish Upon A Star (and then get to work ‘cause it ain’t that easy), Myth #16: Life is Simple (Hello Internet), Myth #18: The One With The Most Castles Wins (More stuff will not make you happy) and my personal favorite: Myth # 21: The Story Ends At The Last Page (It’s never too late to rewrite your ending).
The poem “If Only” can be found at the end of the book. It is very touching. It makes you laugh, nod in agreement and it even brings a tear to your eye. After reading the poem myself I realized that I have been a visitor to “If Only” on many occasions and I would even dare to say, I have taken extended vacation time there. But then, I think most of us have gone there. If only ?????? then life would be…..happier? easier? fun? more fulfilling? purposeful? less intense? more peaceful? calm? joy-filled? – and on and on.
Pick up the book, I just know you’ll smile and laugh knowingly, If Only for a moment. It truly is well worth the read. You’ll find “Who Hijacked My Fairytale” on her website: http://www.kellyswanson.net along with her other books and CD’s. It’s a quick read too.
In the meantime, while you’re waiting for the post to drop off the book, listen to the podcast – look to the right, if you click on it right now, it will immediately start streaming. Give yourself a laugh or two – go ahead, click on the play button.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, April 13, 2009
As I said before, I have incorporated Quartz Crystal Bowls into my Reiki practice.
So what’s with those crystal bowls?
Well, each of the bowls is made up of 99.992% silicon quartz.
The pure tones the bowls emit vibrate the body. The reason they vibrate the body is because our bodies have a natural affinity to quartz. You see, the human body is composed of many crystalline substances – the bones, blood, muscle and DNA are crystalline in structure – this includes the liquid crystal colloidal structure of the brain. Every single cell in the body contains silica at a molecular level. The silica balances our electro-magnetic energy and it has the same formula as natural quartz crystal. That’s why quartz crystal bowls are used for sound therapy treatments – they resonate to your body almost perfectly.
Each bowl is tuned to resonate to a note on the diatonic scale (the musical scale, a-g). Each of the 7 main chakras also corresponds to a note on the diatonic scale as well as to a different area and system of the body: endocrine system, lymph system, skeletal, circulatory and muscular systems, etc. Knowing that, the sound therapist plays the bowl that corresponds to the specific area of the body that is diseased or out of harmony or balance.
The frosted bowls are always played on the floor and they are like the white keys or flat notes on a piano key board. The clear crystal bowls are much lighter in weight and have a crisper tone than the frosted bowls, they are like the black keys or the sharp notes on a piano keyboard. The clear bowls are played either on the clients’ solar plexus or in the palm of the practitioners’ hand. It’s best to play them on the client but sometimes that’s not possible and they must be played in the hand of the practitioner just above the clients solar plexus.
Some therapists use the brass or Tibetan bowls in their practice. Now brass is composed of zinc and copper. Yellow brass, the more readily available Tibetan bowls, is 90% zinc and 10% copper. Red brass is 70% zinc and 30% copper. We don’t have brass in our bodies per se. We do have copper and zinc, but only as trace minerals. You don’t find these minerals at a molecular level in every single cell in your body therefore the brass bowls do not resonate as well to the body.
When I chose which bowls I would incorporate into my Reiki practice, I opted for the crystal because, hey, it’s only .008% or 8/1000’s off of perfect resonation to our bodies. Will the Tibetan bowls work? Absolutely, they will, over time. I wanted my clients to realize the benefits sooner rather than later which is also why I chose the quartz bowls.
These bowls are powerful healing instruments and they are used specifically for healing purposes. I’ll explain just exactly how they work in the next blog.
So what’s with those crystal bowls?
Well, each of the bowls is made up of 99.992% silicon quartz.
The pure tones the bowls emit vibrate the body. The reason they vibrate the body is because our bodies have a natural affinity to quartz. You see, the human body is composed of many crystalline substances – the bones, blood, muscle and DNA are crystalline in structure – this includes the liquid crystal colloidal structure of the brain. Every single cell in the body contains silica at a molecular level. The silica balances our electro-magnetic energy and it has the same formula as natural quartz crystal. That’s why quartz crystal bowls are used for sound therapy treatments – they resonate to your body almost perfectly.
Each bowl is tuned to resonate to a note on the diatonic scale (the musical scale, a-g). Each of the 7 main chakras also corresponds to a note on the diatonic scale as well as to a different area and system of the body: endocrine system, lymph system, skeletal, circulatory and muscular systems, etc. Knowing that, the sound therapist plays the bowl that corresponds to the specific area of the body that is diseased or out of harmony or balance.
The frosted bowls are always played on the floor and they are like the white keys or flat notes on a piano key board. The clear crystal bowls are much lighter in weight and have a crisper tone than the frosted bowls, they are like the black keys or the sharp notes on a piano keyboard. The clear bowls are played either on the clients’ solar plexus or in the palm of the practitioners’ hand. It’s best to play them on the client but sometimes that’s not possible and they must be played in the hand of the practitioner just above the clients solar plexus.
Some therapists use the brass or Tibetan bowls in their practice. Now brass is composed of zinc and copper. Yellow brass, the more readily available Tibetan bowls, is 90% zinc and 10% copper. Red brass is 70% zinc and 30% copper. We don’t have brass in our bodies per se. We do have copper and zinc, but only as trace minerals. You don’t find these minerals at a molecular level in every single cell in your body therefore the brass bowls do not resonate as well to the body.
When I chose which bowls I would incorporate into my Reiki practice, I opted for the crystal because, hey, it’s only .008% or 8/1000’s off of perfect resonation to our bodies. Will the Tibetan bowls work? Absolutely, they will, over time. I wanted my clients to realize the benefits sooner rather than later which is also why I chose the quartz bowls.
These bowls are powerful healing instruments and they are used specifically for healing purposes. I’ll explain just exactly how they work in the next blog.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Crystal Bowls,
Sound Therapy,
Friday, April 10, 2009
Energy Awareness on Blog Talk Radio
Did you tune in Wednesday night to Energy Awareness Radio? We had such a good time!
My guest for the evening: Tammy Mastroberte, Founder, Editorial Director and Publisher of Elevated Existence Magazine. A spiritual based e-zine, though still in its infancy, is doing phenomenally well.
To decide to publish a magazine, in the economy such as it is, well, that’s no easy task, to say the least. It’s not only a huge undertaking, which is an understatement, but it also takes gut, and she’s got guts.
Tammy has what it takes to make things work. She pays attention to the signs the Universe sends out to her. By the way, this is something we all should aspire to do – pay attention to those signs. It is not just by hearing, seeing and acknowledging signs that are sent to her that she is a success. It is because she follows through by acting upon those signs given. That is why Tammy is able to be so successful in her work.
The hour long broadcast touched on subjects ranging from what prompted her to begin her Journey to Spirituality, the name of the segment, to meditation, activities offered at the Deepak Chopra Center, the reasons we’re here on this planet, having joy in our own lives, highly regarded blogs and concluded with the fact that her magazine will be celebrating it’s one year anniversary in two months, June, 2009. Kudos to you, Tammy, for a job well done!
As you can see, the show was chock full of really good information, which is true of her magazine as well. Go to elevatedexistence.com and download the first issue, June, 2008. It’s the one with Deepak Chopra on the cover. That issue is free. Yes, you read that correctly, it is indeed FREE.
After you’ve read it, and loved it – oh yes you will! Subscribe. I can’t recommend this magazine enough. It’s a terrific value at only $10 a year. Where else can you get this kind of information for only $10 year? (Which, by the way, if we reduce this to the absolute ridiculous is .83 a month, .19 a week or ~.03 a day.) You can’t! You can buy all the books you want – or – you can subscribe to a magazine that is succinct in its telling of the many different ways to improve yourself, your relationships, your health and the planet. It’s all in the magazine – everything. Helpful information for each and every one of us for less than the cost of, hmmmm, well, everything! Even penny candy isn’t a penny any more. You get my point. Good value for little money. That’s really unheard of in these times isn’t it? Very refreshing I’d say.
Tammy has a blog which you can access from her web-site as well. She was invited to be an expert blogger at intent.com only two months ago and has already, just one week ago as a matter of fact, become a featured blogger with her question: Do you connect to source?
So much information from one source? Absolutely! Give it a try. You’ll love it a lot.
If you didn’t tune in to the live broadcast and you’d like to hear the show go to www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness and click on the play button in the blue box at the center of your screen. You can listen while you work on your PC or you can download the podcast and listen to it later. Whatever works for you!
Next weeks’ show: Living in the World of If Only with Kelly Swanson, author, comedian and motivational speaker. Tune in on Wednesday evening, April 15th, at 6:00pm eastern standard time. www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness Go ahead and tune in, it’s tax day and I’m just betting you’ll need a mood booster after you file your taxes, won’t you?
Be sure to tune in to www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness I know you’ll find it to be both entertaining and informative.
My guest for the evening: Tammy Mastroberte, Founder, Editorial Director and Publisher of Elevated Existence Magazine. A spiritual based e-zine, though still in its infancy, is doing phenomenally well.
To decide to publish a magazine, in the economy such as it is, well, that’s no easy task, to say the least. It’s not only a huge undertaking, which is an understatement, but it also takes gut, and she’s got guts.
Tammy has what it takes to make things work. She pays attention to the signs the Universe sends out to her. By the way, this is something we all should aspire to do – pay attention to those signs. It is not just by hearing, seeing and acknowledging signs that are sent to her that she is a success. It is because she follows through by acting upon those signs given. That is why Tammy is able to be so successful in her work.
The hour long broadcast touched on subjects ranging from what prompted her to begin her Journey to Spirituality, the name of the segment, to meditation, activities offered at the Deepak Chopra Center, the reasons we’re here on this planet, having joy in our own lives, highly regarded blogs and concluded with the fact that her magazine will be celebrating it’s one year anniversary in two months, June, 2009. Kudos to you, Tammy, for a job well done!
As you can see, the show was chock full of really good information, which is true of her magazine as well. Go to elevatedexistence.com and download the first issue, June, 2008. It’s the one with Deepak Chopra on the cover. That issue is free. Yes, you read that correctly, it is indeed FREE.
After you’ve read it, and loved it – oh yes you will! Subscribe. I can’t recommend this magazine enough. It’s a terrific value at only $10 a year. Where else can you get this kind of information for only $10 year? (Which, by the way, if we reduce this to the absolute ridiculous is .83 a month, .19 a week or ~.03 a day.) You can’t! You can buy all the books you want – or – you can subscribe to a magazine that is succinct in its telling of the many different ways to improve yourself, your relationships, your health and the planet. It’s all in the magazine – everything. Helpful information for each and every one of us for less than the cost of, hmmmm, well, everything! Even penny candy isn’t a penny any more. You get my point. Good value for little money. That’s really unheard of in these times isn’t it? Very refreshing I’d say.
Tammy has a blog which you can access from her web-site as well. She was invited to be an expert blogger at intent.com only two months ago and has already, just one week ago as a matter of fact, become a featured blogger with her question: Do you connect to source?
So much information from one source? Absolutely! Give it a try. You’ll love it a lot.
If you didn’t tune in to the live broadcast and you’d like to hear the show go to www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness and click on the play button in the blue box at the center of your screen. You can listen while you work on your PC or you can download the podcast and listen to it later. Whatever works for you!
Next weeks’ show: Living in the World of If Only with Kelly Swanson, author, comedian and motivational speaker. Tune in on Wednesday evening, April 15th, at 6:00pm eastern standard time. www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness Go ahead and tune in, it’s tax day and I’m just betting you’ll need a mood booster after you file your taxes, won’t you?
Be sure to tune in to www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness I know you’ll find it to be both entertaining and informative.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Evolution of Western Medicine
When we look at the history of Western medicine, we see both the modalities and belief systems are divided into three chronological phases.
The first phase is Physical Medicine which was practiced by western medicine during the 19th and into the early 20th centuries. A good example of this type of medicine is when a person would go to the doctor with a foot or hand infection and the doctor quite simply, cut off the infected limb. There you go, you’re all better! Now you may not have a foot or hand, but hey, you’re alive. During this time, surgery was regarded as an heroic procedure, which, quite frankly, it still is today. Disease, as it was understood at the time, was caused by a physical malfunctioning of the physical body or body part.
With the discovery of Penicillin, Chemical Medicine emerged. This is when it became clear that certain chemicals, prescription drugs or antibiotics, could actually seek out those areas of the body that were infected and rid the body of the infection with little or no side effects, or so it seemed at the time, to other body parts. We have utilized this technology and have been somewhat brainwashed to believe this is the only medicine that works for nearly a century.
Thankfully, our beliefs are changing. Slow as it may be, we do find ourselves on the leading edge of what will be the medicine of tomorrow: it is the science of Cymatics or to put it more simply, Vibrational or Energetic Medicine.
The medical mainstream is just starting to explore these approaches to medicine. Well, that would be in the United States. Other countries have been using various forms of Vibrational Medicine for centuries.
Vibrational Medicine recognizes the patient as a whole being rather than just concentrating on specific body parts the way Physical Medicine does. Vibrational Medicine also believes that the human body is not a chemical dump site and that the underlying causes of disease go far deeper than their mere symptoms alone. It recognizes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual parts of the body as well, bringing everything into balance so the body is fully calibrated on all levels.
Reiki and Sound Therapy are two of the modalities found in Vibrational Medicine that have recently been recognized as integrative and complementary forms of treatment to conventional medicine.
In my private Reiki practice I use Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls as part of my treatment program allowing my clients to realize results sooner rather than later. Each person reacts differently to Reiki and to crystal bowl therapy, but all my clients feel the effects of their treatment immediately and leave with a renewed sense of self. The effects are long lasting as well.
There’s no question that Mainstream Medicine will increasingly rely on Vibrational Medicine as time goes by. The various modalities used in Vibrational Medicine provide a much more advanced perspective on the true causes of disease, and health, without any side effects whatsoever.
Today, there are thousands of professionals working in the field of Vibrational Medicine in all types of health care settings around the world: hospitals, hospices, clinics, private practice, etc.
Vibrational Medicine is not going away. More and more, people are turning to alternative therapies to meet their health care needs. Using Vibrational Medicine as a preventive measure is becoming very popular indeed. A Reiki treatment does wonders for the body, mind and soul and rids your body of all the pollution and toxins that you’ve been accumulating on a daily basis.
To find a Reiki practitioner or sound therapist near you go to: IARP.ORG, the International Association of Reiki Professionals and begin your journey to a healthier you today.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
The first phase is Physical Medicine which was practiced by western medicine during the 19th and into the early 20th centuries. A good example of this type of medicine is when a person would go to the doctor with a foot or hand infection and the doctor quite simply, cut off the infected limb. There you go, you’re all better! Now you may not have a foot or hand, but hey, you’re alive. During this time, surgery was regarded as an heroic procedure, which, quite frankly, it still is today. Disease, as it was understood at the time, was caused by a physical malfunctioning of the physical body or body part.
With the discovery of Penicillin, Chemical Medicine emerged. This is when it became clear that certain chemicals, prescription drugs or antibiotics, could actually seek out those areas of the body that were infected and rid the body of the infection with little or no side effects, or so it seemed at the time, to other body parts. We have utilized this technology and have been somewhat brainwashed to believe this is the only medicine that works for nearly a century.
Thankfully, our beliefs are changing. Slow as it may be, we do find ourselves on the leading edge of what will be the medicine of tomorrow: it is the science of Cymatics or to put it more simply, Vibrational or Energetic Medicine.
The medical mainstream is just starting to explore these approaches to medicine. Well, that would be in the United States. Other countries have been using various forms of Vibrational Medicine for centuries.
Vibrational Medicine recognizes the patient as a whole being rather than just concentrating on specific body parts the way Physical Medicine does. Vibrational Medicine also believes that the human body is not a chemical dump site and that the underlying causes of disease go far deeper than their mere symptoms alone. It recognizes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual parts of the body as well, bringing everything into balance so the body is fully calibrated on all levels.
Reiki and Sound Therapy are two of the modalities found in Vibrational Medicine that have recently been recognized as integrative and complementary forms of treatment to conventional medicine.
In my private Reiki practice I use Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls as part of my treatment program allowing my clients to realize results sooner rather than later. Each person reacts differently to Reiki and to crystal bowl therapy, but all my clients feel the effects of their treatment immediately and leave with a renewed sense of self. The effects are long lasting as well.
There’s no question that Mainstream Medicine will increasingly rely on Vibrational Medicine as time goes by. The various modalities used in Vibrational Medicine provide a much more advanced perspective on the true causes of disease, and health, without any side effects whatsoever.
Today, there are thousands of professionals working in the field of Vibrational Medicine in all types of health care settings around the world: hospitals, hospices, clinics, private practice, etc.
Vibrational Medicine is not going away. More and more, people are turning to alternative therapies to meet their health care needs. Using Vibrational Medicine as a preventive measure is becoming very popular indeed. A Reiki treatment does wonders for the body, mind and soul and rids your body of all the pollution and toxins that you’ve been accumulating on a daily basis.
To find a Reiki practitioner or sound therapist near you go to: IARP.ORG, the International Association of Reiki Professionals and begin your journey to a healthier you today.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Vibrational Medicine
Sound therapy, or music, however you wish to refer to it, has really been used in medicine for thousands of years by various different cultures.
Ancient Greek philosophers believed that sound could heal both their physical body as well as their soul; Egyptian priests cleared their chakras (energy centers) using vowel sounds and Native Americans chanted and sang as part of their rituals for healing.
Here, in the United States, a more formal approach to sound therapy began in World War II when United States Veterans Administration hospitals started to incorporate music as part of their treatment program to help treat soldiers suffering from shell shock.
It was toward the end of World War II, 1944, when Michigan State University established the first music therapy degree program in the world. This validated the fact that sound therapy, so often used in the past, was a possible form of treatment for all kinds of diseases and issues: PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
Sound, as a form of healing, has been an intimate part of almost every culture on earth and is actually considered the oldest form of healing. It wasn’t until recently though that sound began to be used at Universities, within the field of Vibrational Medicine, in research medical programs. Of course, we have only recently learned, or rather come to accept, that Vibrational Medicine is indeed the next phase in Western Medicine.
Sound therapy is not new, it has been around for decades, years, millennia – probably since time began – even Mom’s hum to their babies to ease pain and distress. Mom’s just know that inherently – and it seems to work.
Sound Therapy is an option that has both been proven to have a helpful effect on patients and is considered a safe Complementary treatment to all conventional and holistic therapies by the American Cancer Society.
Doesn’t that speak loudly?
I think it does.
I’ve provided sound therapy presentations and demonstrations for many groups, clubs, and organizations, including the American Cancer Society. To me, this is a huge endorsement.
It’s good to know that research continues and is supported for such a promising area of Vibrational Medicine by such a highly regarding and reputable organization as the American Cancer Society.
Ancient Greek philosophers believed that sound could heal both their physical body as well as their soul; Egyptian priests cleared their chakras (energy centers) using vowel sounds and Native Americans chanted and sang as part of their rituals for healing.
Here, in the United States, a more formal approach to sound therapy began in World War II when United States Veterans Administration hospitals started to incorporate music as part of their treatment program to help treat soldiers suffering from shell shock.
It was toward the end of World War II, 1944, when Michigan State University established the first music therapy degree program in the world. This validated the fact that sound therapy, so often used in the past, was a possible form of treatment for all kinds of diseases and issues: PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
Sound, as a form of healing, has been an intimate part of almost every culture on earth and is actually considered the oldest form of healing. It wasn’t until recently though that sound began to be used at Universities, within the field of Vibrational Medicine, in research medical programs. Of course, we have only recently learned, or rather come to accept, that Vibrational Medicine is indeed the next phase in Western Medicine.
Sound therapy is not new, it has been around for decades, years, millennia – probably since time began – even Mom’s hum to their babies to ease pain and distress. Mom’s just know that inherently – and it seems to work.
Sound Therapy is an option that has both been proven to have a helpful effect on patients and is considered a safe Complementary treatment to all conventional and holistic therapies by the American Cancer Society.
Doesn’t that speak loudly?
I think it does.
I’ve provided sound therapy presentations and demonstrations for many groups, clubs, and organizations, including the American Cancer Society. To me, this is a huge endorsement.
It’s good to know that research continues and is supported for such a promising area of Vibrational Medicine by such a highly regarding and reputable organization as the American Cancer Society.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Benefits of Reiki & Conditions Treated
Reduces Stress & Insomnia
Relieves Anxiety and Depression
Imparts a Deep Sense of Peace & Well Being
Provides Pain Reduction & Relief
Releases Toxins From the System
Accelerates the Natural Healing Process
Complements All Other Physical & Psychological Therapies
Reiki works on all types of conditions including:
ALL FORMS OF CANCER – As a matter of fact, the American Cancer Society regards Reiki as a safe complementary cancer therapy.
Addictions – Substance Abuse
CHEMOTHERAPY – REDUCES SIDE EFFECTS - (some people found they didn’t need the anti-nausea pills when they opted for Reiki treatments).
We exercise to keep our bodies fit and strong. We take yoga classes to be flexible and to prepare ourselves for meditation, the goal of yoga. We meditate to relieve stress and anxiety.
Reiki is similar. It is used as a preventive measure in the same way as exercise, yoga and meditation except it works on all levels of the body simultaneously, rather than individually.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Relieves Anxiety and Depression
Imparts a Deep Sense of Peace & Well Being
Provides Pain Reduction & Relief
Releases Toxins From the System
Accelerates the Natural Healing Process
Complements All Other Physical & Psychological Therapies
Reiki works on all types of conditions including:
ALL FORMS OF CANCER – As a matter of fact, the American Cancer Society regards Reiki as a safe complementary cancer therapy.
Addictions – Substance Abuse
CHEMOTHERAPY – REDUCES SIDE EFFECTS - (some people found they didn’t need the anti-nausea pills when they opted for Reiki treatments).
We exercise to keep our bodies fit and strong. We take yoga classes to be flexible and to prepare ourselves for meditation, the goal of yoga. We meditate to relieve stress and anxiety.
Reiki is similar. It is used as a preventive measure in the same way as exercise, yoga and meditation except it works on all levels of the body simultaneously, rather than individually.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Reiki Review
Reiki is safe for both humans and animals
Reiki never harms
Reiki has NO negative side effects
Reiki always, and only,
works toward the highest healing good of the recipient
Remember, Reiki works on all levels simultaneously: Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual.
As with any treatment, you must first start with a qualified Reiki Practitioner.
A good source for finding a practitioner in your area is the IARP (www.iarp.org), International Association of Reiki Professionals. At this site you can view all the members in your area, who subscribe to a Code of Ethics under the IARP.
Referrals are another great way to find a practitioner. Ask people you respect, and trust, to recommend a good practitioner.
Call the practitioners and talk to them. Set up a complimentary meeting to discuss your needs and how they will be met. Then schedule your session and work with your practitioner to meet your current needs and future goals.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Is Reiki Safe?
I have been asked this question over and over and over again. I can’t stress enough the fact the Reiki works toward the highest healing good of a person, animal or situation.
Hospitals are continually seeking new ways to fight stress, handle pain management and promote healing. The rising cost of health care and pharmaceutical drugs, which do have side effects, may be part of the impetus. Reiki is a great solution in that it promotes healing and has no negative side effects whatsoever. It complements all other allopathic and homeopathic therapies. It is used on both humans and animals. As stated over and over again, Reiki always and only works toward the highest healing good of the client. It can never harm anyone.
With that said, I don’t know what the highest healing good is for me, I certainly do not know what the highest healing good is for anyone else. No one is privy to that information. No one. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.
Sometimes, the highest healing good is not what we want. Sometimes, that means the recipient is transitioning from this life to the next. As difficult as that is, Reiki does help with that transition. Ask one of the many hospice nurses who have been attuned to Reiki and use it themselves.
I find Reiki to be extremely beneficial in hospice situations. I have seen Reiki bring moments of lucidity and clarity to the client, allowing family members to share stories and reminisce rather than just waiting and watching for the inevitable.
I’ve been told by family members that Reiki helped them, as well as their loved one through this most difficult situation. They’ve said it was easier and less stressful for everyone. I’ve had people say the level of anxiety was reduced and they could laugh with their loved one, just one more time. I’ve been thanked for being there to administer Reiki so that they could have those moments that never believed they would have again.
As difficult and stressful as these situations are, families are always very grateful for those precious moments they were able to share with their loved ones.
Hospitals are continually seeking new ways to fight stress, handle pain management and promote healing. The rising cost of health care and pharmaceutical drugs, which do have side effects, may be part of the impetus. Reiki is a great solution in that it promotes healing and has no negative side effects whatsoever. It complements all other allopathic and homeopathic therapies. It is used on both humans and animals. As stated over and over again, Reiki always and only works toward the highest healing good of the client. It can never harm anyone.
With that said, I don’t know what the highest healing good is for me, I certainly do not know what the highest healing good is for anyone else. No one is privy to that information. No one. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.
Sometimes, the highest healing good is not what we want. Sometimes, that means the recipient is transitioning from this life to the next. As difficult as that is, Reiki does help with that transition. Ask one of the many hospice nurses who have been attuned to Reiki and use it themselves.
I find Reiki to be extremely beneficial in hospice situations. I have seen Reiki bring moments of lucidity and clarity to the client, allowing family members to share stories and reminisce rather than just waiting and watching for the inevitable.
I’ve been told by family members that Reiki helped them, as well as their loved one through this most difficult situation. They’ve said it was easier and less stressful for everyone. I’ve had people say the level of anxiety was reduced and they could laugh with their loved one, just one more time. I’ve been thanked for being there to administer Reiki so that they could have those moments that never believed they would have again.
As difficult and stressful as these situations are, families are always very grateful for those precious moments they were able to share with their loved ones.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Reik Acceptance
In 1998 the United States Congress Established the NCCAM (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) at the NIH (National Institute of Health).
This was due in part because people were dissatisfied with conventional medicine and were seeking alternatives on their own. These alternatives had been a part of Eastern culture for centuries and they were not considered odd or unusual in other parts of the world at all. Americans began to look at that and say, ‘hey, if it works for them, why couldn’t it work for me? After all, they’ve been using these methods for centuries with good results – that’s a really long clinical trial, I’m going to try it’.
It was at that point that the United States Congress recognized people were using alternative therapies, don’t forget, this is the government I’m speaking about; they couldn’t have Americans running around rampant healing themselves – what a fine mess that would be. They needed control! So the center was established and it is still in force today accepting new alternative therapies as a complement to, and part of, conventional medical treatments.
Currently, Americans spend more than $33 billion annually on alternative therapies exceeding the annual out-of-pocket spending for all U.S. hospitalizations. Think about that. It’s huge!
In a recent survey, more than 92% of doctors from a wide range of specialties recommended alternative therapies to their patients.
In addition, 88% of the doctors reported using alternative therapies themselves.
In was in 1998 that 64% of U.S. medical schools (Including Harvard and Yale who specifically offer Reiki) offered elective courses in Complementary Alternative Medicine or included CAM topics in required courses. Today that number is almost 98%.
People use Complementary Alternative Medicine not only because they are dissatisfied with conventional medicine, but because these health care alternatives mirror their own values, beliefs, and philosophical orientations toward health care and life itself.
Reiki has gained great recognition in the last few years as an effective integrative medical tool and is being utilized at many of the top hospitals in the world with tremendous success.
There are so many hospitals offering Reiki today. It has literally become part of the repertoire during the admission process: name, address, phone, religion, next of kin, do you want Reiki with that?
Here are just a few of the hospitals where Reiki is offered:
Beth Israel, Boston; Columbia Presbyterian, New York; Dana-Farber, Boston; Manhattan Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, NYC; Memorial Sloan Kettering, NY.
Keep in mind, these are just a few of the hospitals offering Reiki treatments and these are not little hospitals, they are highly regarded and well respected hospitals that are forging ahead with complementary alternative medical care for their patients.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Three Pet Sessions: Three Very Different Results
Part 3
The Reiki that wasn’t
A 6 year old boy in the neighborhood, who knew I did this thing called Reiki that helped people and animals, knocked on my door one day. He wanted to know if I would Reiki his ant farm. Well, after smiling and laughing to myself I explained to him that sometimes, Reiki doesn’t make things better in the way we want or think, but rather helps them to go home to God. I knew he would relate to this because he had lost his grandparents and knew what going home to God meant. I also knew the ants in the ant farm, that he just happened to bring with him, had already passed.
He begged, getting teary eyed, to “please do that Rikky stuff to my ant farm. I know you can do it”. What could I say? I thought a lot of things like, ‘I know they’re God’s creatures too but come on they're ants’ and then ‘there are millions ants, start a new farm’. I knew that was wrong, but I’m human. I did have the thought.
I took the ant farm and after about 30 seconds, which seemed so very long, I told him I was done. Think about it. How long would it take to administer Reiki to a bunch of ants? They’re so very little – I just held the case and closed my eyes. He had no idea whether I was administering Reiki or not. I was administering Reiki, but not to the ants. I was administering Reiki to him, for general wellness.
He took the farm from me, looked at it intently and said, “They’re not moving yet, guess I’ll just wait. Thanks!” I shook my head, smiled and watched as he ran off, running down the driveway with the ant farm held tightly between his little hands.
I watched as he walked away and immediately went to the phone, called the Mom and before I could really say anything, she began explaining, “I’m so sorry. He wanted to come see you. I tried to tell him no, but he just ran.”
After I explained what had transpired I said, “You might want to start building another ant farm if you don’t want to further explain the whole life/death thing to him.” To which she responded, “One step ahead of you, T. Already working on it”.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t agree with lying to children. However, I do believe we need to let them have those things they believe in, and love, for as long as possible. This child loved his ant farm. Childhood is way too short, especially in this day and age. I did nothing more than conspire with his parents to let that last just a little bit longer.
He was told later, by his parents, what actually happened. I see him occasionally and I must say, this so called conspiracy truly does not seem to have had any adverse affects on his psyche.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
The Reiki that wasn’t
A 6 year old boy in the neighborhood, who knew I did this thing called Reiki that helped people and animals, knocked on my door one day. He wanted to know if I would Reiki his ant farm. Well, after smiling and laughing to myself I explained to him that sometimes, Reiki doesn’t make things better in the way we want or think, but rather helps them to go home to God. I knew he would relate to this because he had lost his grandparents and knew what going home to God meant. I also knew the ants in the ant farm, that he just happened to bring with him, had already passed.
He begged, getting teary eyed, to “please do that Rikky stuff to my ant farm. I know you can do it”. What could I say? I thought a lot of things like, ‘I know they’re God’s creatures too but come on they're ants’ and then ‘there are millions ants, start a new farm’. I knew that was wrong, but I’m human. I did have the thought.
I took the ant farm and after about 30 seconds, which seemed so very long, I told him I was done. Think about it. How long would it take to administer Reiki to a bunch of ants? They’re so very little – I just held the case and closed my eyes. He had no idea whether I was administering Reiki or not. I was administering Reiki, but not to the ants. I was administering Reiki to him, for general wellness.
He took the farm from me, looked at it intently and said, “They’re not moving yet, guess I’ll just wait. Thanks!” I shook my head, smiled and watched as he ran off, running down the driveway with the ant farm held tightly between his little hands.
I watched as he walked away and immediately went to the phone, called the Mom and before I could really say anything, she began explaining, “I’m so sorry. He wanted to come see you. I tried to tell him no, but he just ran.”
After I explained what had transpired I said, “You might want to start building another ant farm if you don’t want to further explain the whole life/death thing to him.” To which she responded, “One step ahead of you, T. Already working on it”.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t agree with lying to children. However, I do believe we need to let them have those things they believe in, and love, for as long as possible. This child loved his ant farm. Childhood is way too short, especially in this day and age. I did nothing more than conspire with his parents to let that last just a little bit longer.
He was told later, by his parents, what actually happened. I see him occasionally and I must say, this so called conspiracy truly does not seem to have had any adverse affects on his psyche.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
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