We hear so much about mantras and how we need to say them to maintain a positive attitude, to set our intentions and reach our goals.
Although that is true, what about the mantras we are NOT purposely saying that also influence our lives?
Think about it. How many times have you said “I can’t do that”, “That will never happen”, “I’m not that lucky”, “Not in my lifetime” or “I’ll never have, see, do, be…that”? These too, are mantras. We just don’t think of them as such.
We walk around believing mantras are only those positive statements that people memorize and say each and every day to make our lives more sustainable by providing a goal for us to focus on. We forget that those other phrases, the ones that come so easily to us, you know the automatic response phrases we say over and over again, are also mantras –they’re just not always positive mantras.
The next time you think to yourself, “I can’t do that” put a positive spin on it. Come up with a way to change your negative mantra into a positive mantra. Something like, “I think I’d like to do that at some point” or “I know I can do anything I set my mind to”. The key here is that you really need to pay attention to what you are going to say, and then immediately correct it so that all the energy that you put into your proclamation moves in a positive direction, bringing you to your goal sooner, rather than later.
Once you begin to see the effects of this, and it will be relatively quickly, your life will be so much easier. Things will flow more smoothly and you’ll notice that things will start to move in the direction you want, bringing you closer to your goals, simply because you’ve eliminated those negative mantras that were holding you back.
You’ve heard a lot about “The Secret” and “The Laws of Attraction” - your thoughts create your life, etc. What you need to remember is, it’s those everyday phrases, those mantras we are not purposely saying, that we don’t even realize are mantras, that bring us just exactly what we don’t want. When you think about it, The Laws of Attraction are at work – and are working to bring us what we are asking for whether it’s positive or negative.
Try to be cognizant of what you think and say. Don’t let words flow out just because that’s what you are accustom to saying. Recognize what you are going to say before you actually say it and then sit back and watch your life move in the direction that makes you most happy and brings you the joy you want and deserve.
Begin the process by making changes to your thoughts, which in turn will change your language so that ultimately, all of the mantras you speak, are positive mantras that work for you, rather than against you.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.