Why are we here? What is our purpose? These questions come up in the course of one’s life, over and over and over again.
Sometimes, we have a difficult time trying to determine what it is that we are truly supposed to be doing, we don’t feel as though we are in alignment with what we are truly meant to do and we seek answers wherever and however we can.
Last week my guest was Mr. Stewart St. John, a most gifted intuitive and composer. Though he never learned how to compose music, he is able to connect to an individuals’ soul through meditation and intuitively interprets the soul as music or sound. Stewart has no musical training, but hears the vibrational frequency — or tones — of people, places and things he encounters, much like some people see auras.
I heard the soul song of a friend of mine and knew immediately it was her. I requested the song of a good friend who had passed recently and when I received it, I was amazed at how clearly and purely the music evoked his spirit. It WAS him.
Included with the soul song is a verbal interpretation – also right on the mark. Mr. Stewart has neither met nor spoken with these individuals prior to composing their songs. The only information he has is the recipient name, date of birth, location and a photo that requests be sent via e-mail.
I know that when I received my soul song, I felt as though it could not possibly be me. The others were so very much the people I knew but mine, well, it was different. I honestly didn’t care for it too much. Then, as I thought about it, I determined that I needed to listen to the song continuously until something resonated with me. After about three days on constantly listening to my song – in the house, on my PC and in my car, I began to feel different.
The music evoked changes that I do not believe I would have felt as had I been living my life as usual. I became acutely more aware of what was changing within my very being. Yes, it was deep in my soul. I experienced a migraine headache, something I had not had for 12 years and there was no other change in my life, except this song. After the migraine, I felt I had grown. It wasn’t just me, others noticed the changes too.
I felt I was in alignment with myself. I became more creative. Everything I started seemed to flow easily and flawlessly, without any glitches or interruptions.
As I noticed this occurring, I kept listening to the song. In only three days, my life was shifting, in a major way. After five days unexpected opportunities were being presented and I was taking them, and with every passing moment, things were getting better and better and still are to this day.
Is this my soul song? ABSOLUTELY! I have no doubt whatsoever.
I truly believe if you are indeed listening to your soul song, you cannot help but become aligned with your true purpose. How could it be otherwise? It is the song your soul sings that you hear and therefore the purpose of your life begins to become crystal clear.
Couples should really get their own soul songs prior to marriage. If they did, and let’s just say one person did not like their potential partner’s song, well, I’m guessing marriage counseling would no longer be a necessity. If you do not resonate with your potential partners’ song, don’t become partners at all. Don’t waste time, effort or money on something that is not ringing true to your own soul.
Mr. Stewart has a true gift, a unique calling, if you will. If each person listened to their own soul song, I believe they would find that their life would become a whole lot easier to traverse and their journey would be a smoother one. Oh, I’m not saying everything will be coming up roses, but I am saying that it seems logical that it would be easier for each person to get through their life lessons.
There is no soul that is evil, not at its’ true core. There are however those who have evil lifetimes. Some who are experiencing difficult times choose, and it is a choice, to be evil in their human experience. Might they not make that choice if they were listening to the beautiful sound of their own soul? Our souls want only the highest good and best for us and those we encounter which, when you think about it, is the whole of humanity.
Every life impacts another, sometimes in a big way, sometimes in a small way. Even the small impacts effect the whole so it really is big impact overall. Sometimes we interact in a good way and sometimes, it’s not so good. If everyone worked on their own life from their core essence, by hearing their song, I do believe this world would be a much happier, safer, calmer and peaceful place.
Listen to the December 23rd show at www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness
If you want to give a most loving, caring and thoughtful gift, I highly recommend the gift of a soul song – you’ll be doing something wonderful for the recipient, yourself and everyone else.
I truly believe the most beautiful music a person can hear is their own soul song.
Think about it for those people in your life that you wish to acknowledge on special occasions: Valentine’s Day, a birthday or anniversary…..there are holidays throughout the year. Pick one and get your loved one the most unique and thoughtful gift they will ever receive. Get it for yourself and begin to feel the gift of truly living your passion.
Go to www.stewartstjohnlight.com today. It may take a bit of time to get your soul song, but, I guarantee if whoever you purchase it for listens to it frequently, their life will change dramatically, for the better.
I intend a safe, happy, healthy and peaceful New Year to each and every one of you.
May this, the first year of the second decade of this millennium, bring only beautiful things to your lives.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Health Care Reform: Why Should Preventive Measures be Included?
It’s a well-known fact that the pharmaceutical companies pretty much run the health care industry in this country. It’s also a shame because the bottom line is money – not improved health – though I’m quite sure these companies would say otherwise.
Taking a pill for every little problem seems to be the way of the world. The problem with that is those pills cost money, a lot of money, and they do not eliminate the cause of the symptom. Watch TV commercials, some of the side effects are actually worse than the problem the drug is to be used for in the first place. There is definitely something wrong with that – why take a drug that has worse side effects than the problem you are already experiencing? Isn’t that just asking for more problems? Or worse, some even state “in rare cases, death”. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I’d rather do something that doesn’t offer DEATH as a side effect. But that’s just my opinion – perhaps I’m being too cautious. No, I don’t think so – life is a precious gift – I’d like to live mine as long as possible.
If the insurance companies would look into the future, the not so distant future, they would see that those pills that are being taken today are only giving short-term relief for what could grow into a larger issue. A lot of people opt for the easy fix while still living their lives in ways that do not promote overall health. Ultimately, that pill they’re taking works for a time, while the real cause of the problem continues to grow. The next thing you know, you’re going in for more tests and procedures and maybe even overnight hospital stays that all cost a whole lot of money. Money that you, the patient, give to the insurance company through those ridiculously high premiums you pay each month.
If alternative therapies were covered by insurance companies: Reiki, Sound Therapy, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Yoga or Pilates Classes, Gym memberships, people would be a lot healthier for a lot longer and they would not need these expensive drugs or tests. Issues they have would either be eliminated or not occur in the first place.
It’s a fact, yoga, Pilates, consistent physical exercise - these preventive measures reduce stress (the biggest cause of ALL diseases), anxiety, blood pressure, cholesterol and weight. All of which is in vital to a healthy body – physically, mentally and emotionally.
We all want to look younger, act younger and feel younger. It is through these measures that this occurs and when we stick to a plan that includes preventive measures, we are indeed much healthier overall.
When individuals do have an issue, sometimes, alternative treatments, that are normally less expensive in the long run, are more effective than that drug that gives immediate relief but doesn’t quite cut it when it comes to really taking care of the problem. Remember, a lot of the drugs cover up the issue by alleviating the symptom only.
Given all the clinical trials and studies that various holistic health therapies have undergone, there is more than a fair amount of proof that alternative therapies not only work but ultimately cost a lot less than many conventional treatments.
Complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine, and alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. Integrative medicine combines conventional and Complementary Alternative Medical (CAM) treatments for which there is evidence of safety and effectiveness.
I would think the fact that there are studies to back up the effectiveness of CAM therapies is enough for this country to get a health care reform bill passed that includes coverage for alternative treatments and preventive measures.
More than 44% of Americans use some form of complementary alternative medicine. That’s a large part of the population and that number is only increasing with each passing year.
If we are truly speaking about health care reform then it is imperative that we look to alternative therapies and preventive measures as part of our health care practices and include them in the health care reform bill so all Americans may have the ability to cost effectively achieve and maintain optimum health, if they so choose.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Taking a pill for every little problem seems to be the way of the world. The problem with that is those pills cost money, a lot of money, and they do not eliminate the cause of the symptom. Watch TV commercials, some of the side effects are actually worse than the problem the drug is to be used for in the first place. There is definitely something wrong with that – why take a drug that has worse side effects than the problem you are already experiencing? Isn’t that just asking for more problems? Or worse, some even state “in rare cases, death”. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I’d rather do something that doesn’t offer DEATH as a side effect. But that’s just my opinion – perhaps I’m being too cautious. No, I don’t think so – life is a precious gift – I’d like to live mine as long as possible.
If the insurance companies would look into the future, the not so distant future, they would see that those pills that are being taken today are only giving short-term relief for what could grow into a larger issue. A lot of people opt for the easy fix while still living their lives in ways that do not promote overall health. Ultimately, that pill they’re taking works for a time, while the real cause of the problem continues to grow. The next thing you know, you’re going in for more tests and procedures and maybe even overnight hospital stays that all cost a whole lot of money. Money that you, the patient, give to the insurance company through those ridiculously high premiums you pay each month.
If alternative therapies were covered by insurance companies: Reiki, Sound Therapy, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Yoga or Pilates Classes, Gym memberships, people would be a lot healthier for a lot longer and they would not need these expensive drugs or tests. Issues they have would either be eliminated or not occur in the first place.
It’s a fact, yoga, Pilates, consistent physical exercise - these preventive measures reduce stress (the biggest cause of ALL diseases), anxiety, blood pressure, cholesterol and weight. All of which is in vital to a healthy body – physically, mentally and emotionally.
We all want to look younger, act younger and feel younger. It is through these measures that this occurs and when we stick to a plan that includes preventive measures, we are indeed much healthier overall.
When individuals do have an issue, sometimes, alternative treatments, that are normally less expensive in the long run, are more effective than that drug that gives immediate relief but doesn’t quite cut it when it comes to really taking care of the problem. Remember, a lot of the drugs cover up the issue by alleviating the symptom only.
Given all the clinical trials and studies that various holistic health therapies have undergone, there is more than a fair amount of proof that alternative therapies not only work but ultimately cost a lot less than many conventional treatments.
Complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine, and alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. Integrative medicine combines conventional and Complementary Alternative Medical (CAM) treatments for which there is evidence of safety and effectiveness.
I would think the fact that there are studies to back up the effectiveness of CAM therapies is enough for this country to get a health care reform bill passed that includes coverage for alternative treatments and preventive measures.
More than 44% of Americans use some form of complementary alternative medicine. That’s a large part of the population and that number is only increasing with each passing year.
If we are truly speaking about health care reform then it is imperative that we look to alternative therapies and preventive measures as part of our health care practices and include them in the health care reform bill so all Americans may have the ability to cost effectively achieve and maintain optimum health, if they so choose.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
It’s That Time of Year!

There are so many poems, stories and songs that bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart. Why is it the holidays seem to be the most stressful time of year?
We do it to ourselves and then resent others because we acquiesce and do what we feel we must do. We allow others to dictate where we go, how we celebrate and with whom and then we are too tired and frustrated to speak up and say what we would like to make our holiday easy, quiet, calm, fun, entertaining, joyful, whatever you and yours want it to be.
Make this your year. What are traditions anyway? Someone started them. But no one set them in stone. Make your own traditions. Start with your immediate family. Is that you and your spouse? Is it you, your spouse and your children? What do you, as a family, want to do? Take a survey and make your own traditions around those results.
You may find that your child thinks the holidays wouldn’t be the same without candy canes on a Christmas tree or perhaps singing songs after lighting the menorah. Maybe the holiday dinner won’t be complete for your spouse without creamed onions, or that special cranberry relish that Aunt Anne made every year.
Most of the time, it’s the little things that make the difference. We go for the big things thinking we have to do it all, and not just do it all, but do it all flawlessly. Those are impossible goals – and those high standards, that we place upon ourselves, cause nothing but stress, anxiety and resentment.
Be the one to broach the changes. As adults, maybe exchanging gifts is something that is difficult for everyone. Financially, it can be a strain. Mentally, it can be beyond stressful. As we move away from the nucleus of the family in which we are brought up, we change. Our tastes change. We are no longer the little child we once were – especially if we didn’t speak up when we were a child and just went along with the flow to keep peace and not hurt anyone's feelings. In that case, maybe no one really knew who you were to begin with so they couldn’t possibly know you now.
Have a conversation about the changes you want to make. You may see, or hear, relief from the person you are speaking with. It’s amazing how a few kind and simple words can make new traditions that work for everyone.
Give a real gift this year; the gift of time, peace and calm. You’ll never know what your traditions are until you get them started. For yourself. Start a tradition of giving of yourself, to yourself. It’s only in the giving of ourselves, by taking care of ourselves, that we can then give to others.
Intending you and yours a very Happy Holiday!
We do it to ourselves and then resent others because we acquiesce and do what we feel we must do. We allow others to dictate where we go, how we celebrate and with whom and then we are too tired and frustrated to speak up and say what we would like to make our holiday easy, quiet, calm, fun, entertaining, joyful, whatever you and yours want it to be.
Make this your year. What are traditions anyway? Someone started them. But no one set them in stone. Make your own traditions. Start with your immediate family. Is that you and your spouse? Is it you, your spouse and your children? What do you, as a family, want to do? Take a survey and make your own traditions around those results.
You may find that your child thinks the holidays wouldn’t be the same without candy canes on a Christmas tree or perhaps singing songs after lighting the menorah. Maybe the holiday dinner won’t be complete for your spouse without creamed onions, or that special cranberry relish that Aunt Anne made every year.
Most of the time, it’s the little things that make the difference. We go for the big things thinking we have to do it all, and not just do it all, but do it all flawlessly. Those are impossible goals – and those high standards, that we place upon ourselves, cause nothing but stress, anxiety and resentment.
Be the one to broach the changes. As adults, maybe exchanging gifts is something that is difficult for everyone. Financially, it can be a strain. Mentally, it can be beyond stressful. As we move away from the nucleus of the family in which we are brought up, we change. Our tastes change. We are no longer the little child we once were – especially if we didn’t speak up when we were a child and just went along with the flow to keep peace and not hurt anyone's feelings. In that case, maybe no one really knew who you were to begin with so they couldn’t possibly know you now.
Have a conversation about the changes you want to make. You may see, or hear, relief from the person you are speaking with. It’s amazing how a few kind and simple words can make new traditions that work for everyone.
Give a real gift this year; the gift of time, peace and calm. You’ll never know what your traditions are until you get them started. For yourself. Start a tradition of giving of yourself, to yourself. It’s only in the giving of ourselves, by taking care of ourselves, that we can then give to others.
Intending you and yours a very Happy Holiday!
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Opening the Eight Gates of Wisdom

Do NOT let the title fool you! Yes, it is about transformation during the second half of life but to be fair, this book is perfect for anyone at any age.
Angeles Arrien joined me on Energy Awareness this week to discuss this book. It's not a topic that is discussed readily in the United States. We have a tendency to cast aside our elderly, put them out to pasture and not give them the respect and honors they deserve.
In reading this book I learn about these metaphorical gates that we traverse beginning at about age 60. Okay, I get that. BUT, in reading this book, I clearly learn that I've been through some of these gates before. No, not in a different lifetime. During this very life I'm currently living and I must say, without doubt, that this book is a wonderful guide and can help anyone transform at any age.
I would dare to say that the insights I got where phenomenal. It's a must read for those who are in their early 20's right through retirement. If you read this book, I believe, you'll avail yourself to the opportunities of growth and know how to get through them, good and bad, because you'll learn to be more aware of where you are, exactly, in your life.
Angeles is more than well educated and speaks to us clearly and easily offering insights about aging that we as a society have dismissed all too easily.
Listen to the show at #BlogTalkRadio - http://tobtr.com/s/777774
Then purchase the book, it would make a really wonderful holiday gift. Oh, and who says you can't gift yourself? Go to: http://www.angelesarrien.com/
To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson: "To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or redeemed social condition; to know even ONE life has breathed easier because YOU live --- that is to have succeeded."
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
8 Gates,
Angeles Arrien,
Friday, December 4, 2009
Connecting with Angels
I was so fortunate to have had such a wonderful guest on the show this week.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Deanna August holds a masters degree in counseling and is a Certified Angel Therapist Practitioner under the tutelage of Doreen Virtue.
When it comes to the angelic realm, Deanna is a plethora of information. There were so many questions coming in from the chat room, all of which were answered in a way that we all could understand. The show was informative and entertaining. Deanna is a great speaker and certainly knows her subject matter well.
Rather than reiterate what she told us, I think it would behoove everyone to listen to the show so you can get the full benefit of what she told us. Our angels are always around us and we can connect to them so easily. They are just waiting for us to ask for their assistance and if we ask, they will gladly assist in whatever way they can.
Go to www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness to listen in.
I’ve already secured her for another show on April 14th so be sure to add that to your new 2o10 calendar. In the meantime, I invite you to visit her website www.deanna-august.com to learn more about her and all the work she is doing to help all of us connect with the angelic realm.
When it comes to the angelic realm, Deanna is a plethora of information. There were so many questions coming in from the chat room, all of which were answered in a way that we all could understand. The show was informative and entertaining. Deanna is a great speaker and certainly knows her subject matter well.
Rather than reiterate what she told us, I think it would behoove everyone to listen to the show so you can get the full benefit of what she told us. Our angels are always around us and we can connect to them so easily. They are just waiting for us to ask for their assistance and if we ask, they will gladly assist in whatever way they can.
Go to www.blogtalkradio.com/energyawareness to listen in.
I’ve already secured her for another show on April 14th so be sure to add that to your new 2o10 calendar. In the meantime, I invite you to visit her website www.deanna-august.com to learn more about her and all the work she is doing to help all of us connect with the angelic realm.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.
Deanna August,
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