Monday, June 29, 2009

A Real Team Player

I’m amazed every time I hear someone tell me how much my quartz crystal singing bowls affect them.

I don’t ever want to lose that amazement. It keeps me on my toes and lets me know that YES, indeed, I am serving a purpose and helping people along their journey as I travel along mine.

Last month however, one of my bowls amazed me more than I ever thought possible.

First, you need to know I’ve never had a crystal bowl treatment. I’ve only administered. There was, quite simply, not enough time for my instructor to give me a treatment when I was learning all I needed to so I could go forth and play the bowls for my own clients and patients.

I tell you this because I have no idea what people are talking about when they mention how loud the bowls are, or they felt tingling, or absolutely freezing cold or brutally hot. It just doesn’t register because I am listening to the bowls technically. I need to intuit which bowl is to be played next. This is not choreographed ahead of time, it can’t be. Bowl music, used for healing purposes is very specific to the individual or the energy of the audience when I’m playing in concert. I KNOW that I get the benefits of the bowls but not in the same way as the client.

Last month I spent a good portion of my time working in my yard. I have a lot of gardens to tend and they needed a lot of attention. I weeded, raked, edged, planted shrubs and perennials and then spread 24 yards of bark mulch. You can imagine how this can take a toll on ones back. It did mine. During all of this work my back went into spasm. In my infinite wisdom I gave myself a Reiki treatment. Then I went out and did some more work and when I came in, I’d Reiki myself again. This went on for a few days. I call it Reiki and Wreck. Not smart, but I wanted to get this yard work done and the only way to do it, was to play the Reiki and Wreck game.

It was my goal to get everything done before my concert on the 28th – I selected that as a goal because 5 days later I was leaving for Poland and if I accomplished the yard work, well, I’d have enough time to determine what I was packing and then actually prepare those items and pack. This would also give me peace of mind knowing all had been done before I left so when I got home, I wouldn’t be faced with a tremendous amount of work to do. It all worked out. I did accomplish all the yard work but my back was still going into spasm.

The day of the concert arrived. I carried all 17 of my bowls up an entire flight of stairs so I could wash them. Then I packed them into my car and drove them to the venue where the concert was to be held that night. I knew I needed to bring the bowls into the hall, unpack them and leave them to the side of the room so they would not be in the way of the yoga class scheduled just before the concert. I did it, all the while being very cautious with my back and taking my time carrying and unpacking my precious cargo. Some of these bowls weigh in the neighborhood of 40-50 pounds. Putting them in boxes and taking them out is not exactly easy on the back.

During the unpacking I let the bowls know, as I always do, that we were playing in concert that night. As I set the Sacral (D note) Bowl down amongst the others I said out loud, “I really wish you’d fix my back. I need to play for a long time and it’s been in spasm for a week now.” I then gathered up all of my packing material and brought it into the hall closet so it wouldn’t be in the way of the yoga students.

When I came back into the room I looked over at my bowls and noticed something odd. Please keep in mind, there was not one other person in the entire building. The door was locked when I arrived. No one entered the entire time I was there. I walked over to my bowls and there sat the 11” sacral bowl, with a pie shaped piece broken off lying on the floor next to it. I couldn’t imagine what had happened.

I picked up the bowl, and yes, hugging it and crying because it was now broken, I got the bag I made specifically for this bowl and wrapped it up. On my way home I decided I need to call Dr. Paul Hubbert, my bowl supplier. I told him I broke my first bowl and through tears stated I needed to order a new one.

I then told him how my back was feeling much better since I arrived home and there was no discomfort whatsoever, no feeling of even needing to be cautious. I had this theory. I believed the bowl took one for the team, as it were. I was amazed when he agreed with me. I thought he’d think I was crazy but not him. He’s been playing bowls a lot longer than I have and he, too, knows the power of the bowls.

My little sacral bowl took in all that negative energy, releasing the block in my lower back and broke in the process. I explained how because it is crystal I wanted to give it back to Gaia, Mother Earth, but I don’t want to bury it and I asked him if he thought it would be alright to make the bowl into a toad house. Then I explained what a toad house was – any container can be used in a garden, a broken overturned terracotta pot, as a place for toads to live. You can purchase toad houses in many garden centers too.

Dr Hubbert told me that he buries his bowls to give them back to the Earth. I just couldn’t do that. I needed to see the bowl and allow it to serve a purpose, not just be buried in my garden somewhere.

That was a month ago. Two days later I put into action a plan I had been ruminating over for quite a long while – perhaps, three years???

Since all of the gardening in the front was complete, and for the past few years it’s only been the early spring clean-up and maintenance, I wanted to do something with the back yard. I wanted a shade garden. So, on Saturday and Sunday, two days after the concert, I put my backside to good use yet again. I went out and cleared 2,700 square feet of brush which included poison ivy, woodbine vines, barberry, and every other thick rooted form of natural vegetation growing in the state of New Jersey. I was amazed that it took a total of approximately 8 hours for two people to clear that much land. We basically brush hogged the area, MANUALLY. It was exhausting.

Upon completion I went to the place where my little bowl is being stored and said out loud, “You’ll have a spot in the shade garden soon. We cleared it all in only 8 hours…..but I bet you know that already.”

Now, some may say it’s crazy to think that this little bowl took one for the team. I will disagree emphatically. I know that bowl took a huge hit for me. I know I was able to play in concert, having no spasms or discomfort whatsoever because that bowl did its job. I know that I was not only inspired to begin to work on the shade garden but I managed to get a lot of the ‘bull work’ done, without the help of any machinery and my back was fine.

I went to Poland, a long flight, had a great time and came home knowing that although I still had much to do in my shade garden to prepare the earth for this quartz crystal toad house, I also had the strength and motivation to do it. It will be complete this year. That bowl will have its place in the earth, back to nature while serving as a safe haven for some creature, toad or otherwise, and I will be able to see it in all its glory each and every day.

The pie shaped piece that fell out. Well, that balances very well and if you set a candle on it, it remains stable. I now have new candle holder in my Reiki room. Every part of that bowl will continue to go on and serve a wonderful purpose.

As for me, well, my back has been fine and continues to be functioning very well since this incident. I’ve continued to work in the garden, pulling up more roots and stumps that can now easily be seen since the brush was removed one month ago.

I know that I will be able to continue to be amazed with all that my bowls do for everyone who has the opportunity to hear the gift of their sound.

I also know that I am NOT the one who brings forth the healing. I know that it is in the music of the bowls, the energy of the Reiki and the intentions set forth each and every time I play that allows healing to occur.

I KNOW, I have been fortunate enough to be a recipient of this amazing healing energy myself and I have faith that my bowls will continue to bring forth glorious sounds that will allow healing to others as well.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Energy Awareness Radio - June 24 Show

Tammy Mastroberte, founder, publisher and editorial director of Elevated Existence Magazine was the guest on Energy Awareness on Wednesday, June 24th.

June 2009 marks the first anniversary of the magazine and what a year it has been!

Tammy is definitely in line with her life’s purpose.

Spiritual leaders have graced every cover: Deepak Chopra, Joe Vitale, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Russell Simmons and this issue Judith Orloff.

The anniversary issue features Dr. Orloff, an intuitive psychiatrist as she explains how working with emotions can lead to soul growth and transformation on the path to spiritual awakening.

Topics include Whole Foods, Meditation, Building A Spiritual Vision Board, Self Esteem, Communicating with Spirit, Essential Oils, New Ideas, DVD’s, CD’s, Books and products.

It’s a great issue and the show provides a preview of what you’ll read in it and learn from it.

To listen to this show, or any of the archived shows, go to

To subscribe to Elevated Existence Magazine go to

At only $10 a year, this is a terrific value!!!

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.