Third – Reiki is Directed by human thought and will
I don’t know where this one came from. I have to wonder if the Bishops read anything at all about Reiki before they wrote their statement.
One of the first things you learn is that Reiki cannot be directed. I cannot direct Reiki to a specific part of the body. No one can. I do not, nor does any other practitioner, direct Reiki. Reiki goes where it needs to go. When you are administering Reiki, you can feel the energy coming through you and you can feel it dissipate. That’s your indicator to move to a different part of the body. You are directed by the energy as to which points in the body require the Reiki.
Example: A gentleman came in with a migraine. I, of course, went to administer Reiki to his head. But the energy was not really needed there, I could feel it. I continued the treatment and when I reached his solar plexus, ah, this is where energy is significantly flowing. He’s holding something in, was my thought. When I finished the treatment I asked him if he was having any issues with his boss, wife or children. He told me he and his wife had been fighting for over a week. Well, there’s your migraine. I told him that was the problem, he was holding back and it was eating him up inside and resulting in a migraine. The migraine was indeed gone after the treatment but when he asked me what he should do I had to tell him, “you can either stop and get flowers and say you’re sorry, someone has to cry Uncle, or, you can continue to come here every few days and I’ll administer Reiki and you’ll leave without a migraine. It’s your call.” The problem with the latter is that it’s more expensive than the flowers, but easier than the apology. He got the flowers. I now see him every few weeks for maintenance.This example is perfect because it clearly shows that I wanted to get rid of his migraine by treating his migraine at his head when in fact, it stemmed from another source which is where Reiki KNEW the energy needed to be administered.
Remember, as practitioners, we are only conduits – that’s it. We’re not healing anyone – we are the conduits for the energy to come through which allows the healing to take place in the clients body. Our bodies know how to heal. It’s just that when there’s a block, our bodies need a little assistance. Which is what Reiki does, it assists in releasing blocks thus allowing the healing to begin.
In all the years I’ve been administering Reiki, I have never been able to tell Reiki where to go. Reiki directs me no matter what I may want, will, desire or think.
Fourth – Reiki is Not Validated by Scientific Studies
Seriously? Are you kidding me?
Hey, how about that National Institute of Health? Have you gentleman ever heard of them? They’re located in Washington, DC and all of our tax dollars pay for the clinical trials that they support.
This one is so blatantly easy to verify, I think a monkey could have done it. I’m not talking about a trained monkey either. I’m talking about your run of the mill, everyday, average monkey. But I digress.
The NIH has conducted a myriad of studies on the use of Reiki (go to and click on clinical trials) which have proven its efficacy over and over and over and over again.
There’s no need to go on with this one. It’s way too easy.
Fifth – Reiki is Not Accepted by the Medical Community
Those clinical trials I just mentioned? Yes, the ones that those average, everyday, untrained monkeys can verify? Well they are the reason that highly-regarded, extremely reputable hospitals across this great country of ours, as well as around the planet, have Reiki Practitioners/Masters administering Reiki to patients on a daily basis. The short list: Columbia-Presbyterian, NY; Brigham & Womens, MA; Memorial Sloan Kettering, NY; Morristown Hospital, NJ; California Pacific Medical Center, CA; Yale New Haven Children's Hospital, CT; Tucson Medical Center, AZ - to name a few.
I don’t know where this one came from. I have to wonder if the Bishops read anything at all about Reiki before they wrote their statement.
One of the first things you learn is that Reiki cannot be directed. I cannot direct Reiki to a specific part of the body. No one can. I do not, nor does any other practitioner, direct Reiki. Reiki goes where it needs to go. When you are administering Reiki, you can feel the energy coming through you and you can feel it dissipate. That’s your indicator to move to a different part of the body. You are directed by the energy as to which points in the body require the Reiki.
Example: A gentleman came in with a migraine. I, of course, went to administer Reiki to his head. But the energy was not really needed there, I could feel it. I continued the treatment and when I reached his solar plexus, ah, this is where energy is significantly flowing. He’s holding something in, was my thought. When I finished the treatment I asked him if he was having any issues with his boss, wife or children. He told me he and his wife had been fighting for over a week. Well, there’s your migraine. I told him that was the problem, he was holding back and it was eating him up inside and resulting in a migraine. The migraine was indeed gone after the treatment but when he asked me what he should do I had to tell him, “you can either stop and get flowers and say you’re sorry, someone has to cry Uncle, or, you can continue to come here every few days and I’ll administer Reiki and you’ll leave without a migraine. It’s your call.” The problem with the latter is that it’s more expensive than the flowers, but easier than the apology. He got the flowers. I now see him every few weeks for maintenance.This example is perfect because it clearly shows that I wanted to get rid of his migraine by treating his migraine at his head when in fact, it stemmed from another source which is where Reiki KNEW the energy needed to be administered.
Remember, as practitioners, we are only conduits – that’s it. We’re not healing anyone – we are the conduits for the energy to come through which allows the healing to take place in the clients body. Our bodies know how to heal. It’s just that when there’s a block, our bodies need a little assistance. Which is what Reiki does, it assists in releasing blocks thus allowing the healing to begin.
In all the years I’ve been administering Reiki, I have never been able to tell Reiki where to go. Reiki directs me no matter what I may want, will, desire or think.
Fourth – Reiki is Not Validated by Scientific Studies
Seriously? Are you kidding me?
Hey, how about that National Institute of Health? Have you gentleman ever heard of them? They’re located in Washington, DC and all of our tax dollars pay for the clinical trials that they support.
This one is so blatantly easy to verify, I think a monkey could have done it. I’m not talking about a trained monkey either. I’m talking about your run of the mill, everyday, average monkey. But I digress.
The NIH has conducted a myriad of studies on the use of Reiki (go to and click on clinical trials) which have proven its efficacy over and over and over and over again.
There’s no need to go on with this one. It’s way too easy.
Fifth – Reiki is Not Accepted by the Medical Community
Those clinical trials I just mentioned? Yes, the ones that those average, everyday, untrained monkeys can verify? Well they are the reason that highly-regarded, extremely reputable hospitals across this great country of ours, as well as around the planet, have Reiki Practitioners/Masters administering Reiki to patients on a daily basis. The short list: Columbia-Presbyterian, NY; Brigham & Womens, MA; Memorial Sloan Kettering, NY; Morristown Hospital, NJ; California Pacific Medical Center, CA; Yale New Haven Children's Hospital, CT; Tucson Medical Center, AZ - to name a few.
As a matter of fact, Dr. Mehmet Oz, you know him? He’s on Oprah’s show a lot and he’s going to be hosting his own show this fall. Well, he just happens to be one of the most well respected cardiovascular surgeons in the United States AND he’s married to a Reiki Master. He also brings Reiki Master, Julie Motz, into his OR during open-heart surgeries at Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in New York. If you’ve never heard of that hospital, it really has quite a good reputation.
The New York Times Magazine did an investigative report on Dr. Oz’s surgeries with and without Reiki. In their investigation they found that when Reiki was administered during his surgery his patients had none of the usual leg pain or weakness after the surgery, they did not have the usual post-operative depression and the heart transplant patients did not experience organ rejection. Dr. Oz has stated himself, “Reiki has become a sought-after healing art among patients and mainstream medical professionals.”
I would like to suggest a book to the committee. You really should read Julie Motz’ book: Hands of Life – in it you’ll find a lot of accurate information about the medical community and Reiki – you know, how it’s accepted and she’s allowed in the operating room. I’m guessing if it wasn’t something that was “REAL” – she wouldn’t be doing that. They don’t just let people go into the OR for fun – everyone in there has a specific job to do. Julie’s job: administer Reiki.
As a small aside: The American Cancer Society recommends Reiki to Cancer patients and regards Reiki as a safe and complimentary treatment to cancer treatments. That kind of speaks loudly too, but I’m guessing the Bishops would have known that had they done their research.
Sixth – Reiki Has No Scientific Explanation
This truly does bode the question: What planet do you live on?
Now, you can’t tell me the Bishops are uneducated. Okay, maybe they’re not physicists but they were doing this research and once they read what Reiki was all about they should have realized it has a basis in both physics and biology.
Before I became attuned to Reiki I wanted to know if there was any scientific basis for this thing called Reiki myself. I didn’t want to get involved in something that had no credible basis. So I asked myself, what is Reiki? It’s energy. I get that, but, if I take a class to learn Reiki, they’ll attune me, but they won’t give me the science behind it which is what I need to know. It then dawned on me that I needed to take a course to help me understand energy. What type of class does one take to learn about energy? The answer is physics. That was not what I wanted to take but, take a few classes, I did. Those classes are what sold me on Reiki.
The science behind Reiki is indeed based on scientific studies and facts. A conventional scientist, Dr. James Oschman, Ph.D., who became interested in the practice of energy medicine, developed a testable hypothesis after he discovered a number of important scientific studies that point to a scientific basis for energy medicine based on the laws of physics and biology. You can read about his findings in an interview that was published in the Winter 2002 issue of Reiki News Magazine, entitled, “Science and the Human Energy Field”. Oh, and note the year, WELL before the committee met to do their research. Should have been able to find this pretty easily – it’s not a secret magazine.
Reiki is recognized across the globe by the medical community as an integrative safe and complimentary therapy to conventional and holistic therapies.
Reiki is not based on any religion.
Reiki does indeed have a scientific base and there are a lot of clinical trials, sanctioned by the NIH where the efficacy has been proven consistently.
Reiki is not harmful and it is always for the highest healing good of the client whether human or animal.
Keep in mind, every religion has their own rules and can continue to change their rules as they see fit. That’s their option.
We must not forget that free will, freedom of choice and the ability to think and make decisions is the God given right of each and every one us on this planet. It’s up to each of us to make our own decisions as to what we choose to believe, support and practice.
However, it is indeed the OBLIGATION of those who mandate laws and dictate rules, to do so, based on research that is, at the very least, accurate.
It’s really pretty easy.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.