When we look at the history of Western medicine, we see both the modalities and belief systems are divided into three chronological phases.
The first phase is Physical Medicine which was practiced by western medicine during the 19th and into the early 20th centuries. A good example of this type of medicine is when a person would go to the doctor with a foot or hand infection and the doctor quite simply, cut off the infected limb. There you go, you’re all better! Now you may not have a foot or hand, but hey, you’re alive. During this time, surgery was regarded as an heroic procedure, which, quite frankly, it still is today. Disease, as it was understood at the time, was caused by a physical malfunctioning of the physical body or body part.
With the discovery of Penicillin, Chemical Medicine emerged. This is when it became clear that certain chemicals, prescription drugs or antibiotics, could actually seek out those areas of the body that were infected and rid the body of the infection with little or no side effects, or so it seemed at the time, to other body parts. We have utilized this technology and have been somewhat brainwashed to believe this is the only medicine that works for nearly a century.
Thankfully, our beliefs are changing. Slow as it may be, we do find ourselves on the leading edge of what will be the medicine of tomorrow: it is the science of Cymatics or to put it more simply, Vibrational or Energetic Medicine.
The medical mainstream is just starting to explore these approaches to medicine. Well, that would be in the United States. Other countries have been using various forms of Vibrational Medicine for centuries.
Vibrational Medicine recognizes the patient as a whole being rather than just concentrating on specific body parts the way Physical Medicine does. Vibrational Medicine also believes that the human body is not a chemical dump site and that the underlying causes of disease go far deeper than their mere symptoms alone. It recognizes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual parts of the body as well, bringing everything into balance so the body is fully calibrated on all levels.
Reiki and Sound Therapy are two of the modalities found in Vibrational Medicine that have recently been recognized as integrative and complementary forms of treatment to conventional medicine.
In my private Reiki practice I use Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls as part of my treatment program allowing my clients to realize results sooner rather than later. Each person reacts differently to Reiki and to crystal bowl therapy, but all my clients feel the effects of their treatment immediately and leave with a renewed sense of self. The effects are long lasting as well.
There’s no question that Mainstream Medicine will increasingly rely on Vibrational Medicine as time goes by. The various modalities used in Vibrational Medicine provide a much more advanced perspective on the true causes of disease, and health, without any side effects whatsoever.
Today, there are thousands of professionals working in the field of Vibrational Medicine in all types of health care settings around the world: hospitals, hospices, clinics, private practice, etc.
Vibrational Medicine is not going away. More and more, people are turning to alternative therapies to meet their health care needs. Using Vibrational Medicine as a preventive measure is becoming very popular indeed. A Reiki treatment does wonders for the body, mind and soul and rids your body of all the pollution and toxins that you’ve been accumulating on a daily basis.
To find a Reiki practitioner or sound therapist near you go to: IARP.ORG, the International Association of Reiki Professionals and begin your journey to a healthier you today.
Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.