Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Benefits of Reiki & Conditions Treated

Reduces Stress & Insomnia

Relieves Anxiety and Depression

Imparts a Deep Sense of Peace & Well Being

Provides Pain Reduction & Relief

Releases Toxins From the System

Accelerates the Natural Healing Process

Complements All Other Physical & Psychological Therapies


Reiki works on all types of conditions including:

ALL FORMS OF CANCER – As a matter of fact, the American Cancer Society regards Reiki as a safe complementary cancer therapy.

Addictions – Substance Abuse


CHEMOTHERAPY – REDUCES SIDE EFFECTS - (some people found they didn’t need the anti-nausea pills when they opted for Reiki treatments).










We exercise to keep our bodies fit and strong. We take yoga classes to be flexible and to prepare ourselves for meditation, the goal of yoga. We meditate to relieve stress and anxiety.

Reiki is similar. It is used as a preventive measure in the same way as exercise, yoga and meditation except it works on all levels of the body simultaneously, rather than individually.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Reiki Review

Reiki is safe for both humans and animals

Reiki never harms

Reiki has NO negative side effects

Reiki always, and only,
works toward the highest healing good of the recipient

Remember, Reiki works on all levels simultaneously: Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual.

As with any treatment, you must first start with a qualified Reiki Practitioner.

A good source for finding a practitioner in your area is the IARP (www.iarp.org), International Association of Reiki Professionals. At this site you can view all the members in your area, who subscribe to a Code of Ethics under the IARP.

Referrals are another great way to find a practitioner. Ask people you respect, and trust, to recommend a good practitioner.

Call the practitioners and talk to them. Set up a complimentary meeting to discuss your needs and how they will be met. Then schedule your session and work with your practitioner to meet your current needs and future goals.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Is Reiki Safe?

I have been asked this question over and over and over again. I can’t stress enough the fact the Reiki works toward the highest healing good of a person, animal or situation.

Hospitals are continually seeking new ways to fight stress, handle pain management and promote healing. The rising cost of health care and pharmaceutical drugs, which do have side effects, may be part of the impetus. Reiki is a great solution in that it promotes healing and has no negative side effects whatsoever. It complements all other allopathic and homeopathic therapies. It is used on both humans and animals. As stated over and over again, Reiki always and only works toward the highest healing good of the client. It can never harm anyone.

With that said, I don’t know what the highest healing good is for me, I certainly do not know what the highest healing good is for anyone else. No one is privy to that information. No one. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

Sometimes, the highest healing good is not what we want. Sometimes, that means the recipient is transitioning from this life to the next. As difficult as that is, Reiki does help with that transition. Ask one of the many hospice nurses who have been attuned to Reiki and use it themselves.

I find Reiki to be extremely beneficial in hospice situations. I have seen Reiki bring moments of lucidity and clarity to the client, allowing family members to share stories and reminisce rather than just waiting and watching for the inevitable.

I’ve been told by family members that Reiki helped them, as well as their loved one through this most difficult situation. They’ve said it was easier and less stressful for everyone. I’ve had people say the level of anxiety was reduced and they could laugh with their loved one, just one more time. I’ve been thanked for being there to administer Reiki so that they could have those moments that never believed they would have again.

As difficult and stressful as these situations are, families are always very grateful for those precious moments they were able to share with their loved ones.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Reik Acceptance


In 1998 the United States Congress Established the NCCAM (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) at the NIH (National Institute of Health).

This was due in part because people were dissatisfied with conventional medicine and were seeking alternatives on their own. These alternatives had been a part of Eastern culture for centuries and they were not considered odd or unusual in other parts of the world at all. Americans began to look at that and say, ‘hey, if it works for them, why couldn’t it work for me? After all, they’ve been using these methods for centuries with good results – that’s a really long clinical trial, I’m going to try it’.
It was at that point that the United States Congress recognized people were using alternative therapies, don’t forget, this is the government I’m speaking about; they couldn’t have Americans running around rampant healing themselves – what a fine mess that would be. They needed control! So the center was established and it is still in force today accepting new alternative therapies as a complement to, and part of, conventional medical treatments.


Currently, Americans spend more than $33 billion annually on alternative therapies exceeding the annual out-of-pocket spending for all U.S. hospitalizations. Think about that. It’s huge!

In a recent survey, more than 92% of doctors from a wide range of specialties recommended alternative therapies to their patients.

In addition, 88% of the doctors reported using alternative therapies themselves.

In was in 1998 that 64% of U.S. medical schools (Including Harvard and Yale who specifically offer Reiki) offered elective courses in Complementary Alternative Medicine or included CAM topics in required courses. Today that number is almost 98%.

People use Complementary Alternative Medicine not only because they are dissatisfied with conventional medicine, but because these health care alternatives mirror their own values, beliefs, and philosophical orientations toward health care and life itself.

Reiki has gained great recognition in the last few years as an effective integrative medical tool and is being utilized at many of the top hospitals in the world with tremendous success.

There are so many hospitals offering Reiki today. It has literally become part of the repertoire during the admission process: name, address, phone, religion, next of kin, do you want Reiki with that?

Here are just a few of the hospitals where Reiki is offered:

Beth Israel, Boston; Columbia Presbyterian, New York; Dana-Farber, Boston; Manhattan Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, NYC; Memorial Sloan Kettering, NY.

Keep in mind, these are just a few of the hospitals offering Reiki treatments and these are not little hospitals, they are highly regarded and well respected hospitals that are forging ahead with complementary alternative medical care for their patients.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Three Pet Sessions: Three Very Different Results

Part 3

The Reiki that wasn’t

A 6 year old boy in the neighborhood, who knew I did this thing called Reiki that helped people and animals, knocked on my door one day. He wanted to know if I would Reiki his ant farm. Well, after smiling and laughing to myself I explained to him that sometimes, Reiki doesn’t make things better in the way we want or think, but rather helps them to go home to God. I knew he would relate to this because he had lost his grandparents and knew what going home to God meant. I also knew the ants in the ant farm, that he just happened to bring with him, had already passed.

He begged, getting teary eyed, to “please do that Rikky stuff to my ant farm. I know you can do it”. What could I say? I thought a lot of things like, ‘I know they’re God’s creatures too but come on they're ants’ and then ‘there are millions ants, start a new farm’. I knew that was wrong, but I’m human. I did have the thought.

I took the ant farm and after about 30 seconds, which seemed so very long, I told him I was done. Think about it. How long would it take to administer Reiki to a bunch of ants? They’re so very little – I just held the case and closed my eyes. He had no idea whether I was administering Reiki or not. I was administering Reiki, but not to the ants. I was administering Reiki to him, for general wellness.

He took the farm from me, looked at it intently and said, “They’re not moving yet, guess I’ll just wait. Thanks!” I shook my head, smiled and watched as he ran off, running down the driveway with the ant farm held tightly between his little hands.

I watched as he walked away and immediately went to the phone, called the Mom and before I could really say anything, she began explaining, “I’m so sorry. He wanted to come see you. I tried to tell him no, but he just ran.”

After I explained what had transpired I said, “You might want to start building another ant farm if you don’t want to further explain the whole life/death thing to him.” To which she responded, “One step ahead of you, T. Already working on it”.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t agree with lying to children. However, I do believe we need to let them have those things they believe in, and love, for as long as possible. This child loved his ant farm. Childhood is way too short, especially in this day and age. I did nothing more than conspire with his parents to let that last just a little bit longer.

He was told later, by his parents, what actually happened. I see him occasionally and I must say, this so called conspiracy truly does not seem to have had any adverse affects on his psyche.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Three Pet Sessions: Three Very Different Results

Part 2

Another owner was telling me about her cat who was having digestive problems,was not able to move his bowels and wasn’t eating. She had taken him to the vet and was given medication and suggestions as to what to do to help him. His little system was failing. She brought him in for a Reiki treatment. He’s such a good cat, very affectionate and loving and he was obviously experiencing lethargy and discomfort. I did explain to her that Reiki is not necessarily a cure but rather an assist toward the highest healing good of the animal. She understood.

After the first Reiki treatment she called me to say he ate dinner and was actually resuming some of his normal activities and antics. This was very good to hear. The next treatment seemed to provide improvement as well. Although the third treatment gave the same results, more awareness and activity and eating a bit better, he was not really getting any better. He was not moving his bowels and though he was not seemingly in pain, he was still uncomfortable and lethargic. It was then that we both realized that he was transitioning and the Reiki was allowing him quality time with his owner to say goodbye. She had to make a decision within a few days so he would not go septic and suffer unnecessarily.

His owner, quite sad and hurting, knew what she had to do. This wonderful cat needed to be euthanized. Although this was the right and humane thing to do, it does not take away the pain and grief that we all go through when we lose our best friends who are the littlest and most wonderfully loving members of our families.

In this case, Reiki was indeed assisting him, just not the way his owner would have preferred. In this case, it allowed him an easier transition to the next life.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Three Pet Sessions: Three Very Different Results

Part 1

As I’ve said over and over again: I don’t cure, or heal, any ONE of any THING and Reiki always works only toward the highest healing good of an individual, animal or situation.

Since I’ve been speaking about animals I thought I’d give a few examples from the many animals I’ve worked with where there have been very different outcomes.

One of the first animals I worked on was a dog who did not like to have her belly rubbed by anyone other than her owner.

One day the owner was telling me about a recent visit to the vet. The dog seemed to be in pain and was not eating. She was drinking water but was not eating anything. The vet, having done quite a few tests, said there was nothing they could find that was giving this 13 year old golden/lab mix a problem. He felt it was just old age, the dog was considered geriatric at this point, and there was nothing they could do for the animal. I suggested a new vet since this vet seemed to be taking a very apathetic approach. After all, the owner said the dog was in pain and would not allow anyone to touch her. She asked for a Reiki treatment and I scheduled one immediately.

I went to her house and saw the dog lying in her doggie bed, obviously lethargic and in discomfort. She was in no way interested in having anyone approach her. I began to administer Reiki at a distance so she could acclimate to the energy. After approximately 5 minutes of her staring at me and feeling the Reiki energy coming toward her, she began to move her front paw as though calling me over. I approached her very slowly and gently put my hands on her back and head. She allowed that for quite a while. Then I slowly moved my hands to her neck and side. That too was allowed. She then lifted her paw and pushed my hands onto her belly. I administered Reiki for approximately 20 minutes at which time she barked and pushed my hands away. I went back the next day and the same thing happened. After that, on my following visits, she allowed me to put my hands on her belly and administer Reiki for the duration of the session.

Animals know where they are hurting and they will guide the hands of the practitioner to the area of pain. Because they have no preconceived notions about Reiki and only know it feels good, they accept it readily and easily.
This dog got better each day. After 6 treatments, she began to push my hands away after shorter amounts of time within each treatment. She wasn’t accepting full treatments because she didn’t need them. One day, she just looked at me, got up and walked away. She was done. She was letting me know she no longer required my services. She lived another 7 years and on the rare occasions I saw her, yes, I too, along with her owner, was allowed to give her belly pets.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Benefits of Reiki to Animals

· Reiki heals on the physical, mental and emotional levels
· Provides pain relief / reduction
· Deepens the bond between human and animal companion
· Does not interfere with, but rather complements, both
conventional (allopathic) and holistic medical treatments
· Helps maintain health on all levels
· Provides support for a dying animal and his humans to
ease the transition at the end of life
· Very helpful for any animal that has been in a shelter situation
· May be combined with any other healing method
· Over time, Reiki can reduce nervousness
· Accelerates healing after a surgery or illness
· Aids in behavior issues

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Distant Healing for Animals

Distant Healing is very effective and can be preferable to hands-on treatments in certain instances. Some animals may live too far away for hands-on treatments. Others may be extremely small, fearful of strangers, older, fragile, or close to death. In these cases the animal is more relaxed in their own environment and is therefore better able to receive and absorb the Reiki energy at a distance.

For people with very busy schedules, alternating distant Reiki treatments is the perfect solution to give your animal the benefits of Reiki more conveniently.

Distant treatments are also quick to schedule: in emergency situations, distant treatment can usually be offered very quickly.

Similarly, if an animal seems to be coming down with something or needs additional support between treatments, distant healing will provide what is needed.

After a distant treatment, results can usually be seen in the next 24-48 hours. Although some conditions may require regular treatments to complete the healing process, dramatic shifts in healing often occur almost immediately.

Copyright 2009. T Love. All Rights Reserved.